47. Bad at love

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Sparks, butterflies, they aren't the things that makes love. Jealousy, holding hands, kissing are not the things that makes love. Just wanting to strip her when she wears a pretty dress, isn't love.

When she reveals her secrets more than she reveals her body, tells you about her parents, those little things like how she despite showering, shares every moment with you, just know, that, yes that, is love. And when you love her with all her flaws, want to know everything about her, about the little things that she never told anyone, cherish every second of her presence, love her humorous attitude more than her body. Boy, that is love.

PS: Never let go off that girl.

-The Golden Girl

She watched as he went through her novels, his brows creased together and a concentrated look on his face.

"You are useless." Faye threw a pillow on him, making him groan.

"Oi, what did I do?" He stared at her with an annoyed look.

"I just asked you to look after Zach and here you are, bugging me."

"He is not a baby, he can look after himself. At least, that's what he said. And then, when I banged on his door and demanded answers, he told me to fuck off." River answered with a pout.

He looked so adorable that Faye could not stop her from breaking into a small smile. How can he look so cute and hot at the same time? That was not humanly possible!

Then again, its River Blake we are talking about.

She shook her head before walking up to her desk and starting to fumble with her pens.

"I just know that Madeline slapped him." River added with a shrug.

"She did what?" Faye asked, surprised.

"Some of the seniors saw them furiously talking to each other. That is, Madeline shouting and Zach trying to talk in his calm composer. Then, just as he was explainig her something, she slapped him."

"Woah. Did not know about that. I wonder if they are alright now. Knowing Madeline, she would be crying herself to sleep. God, I think we should go to her. Yah, yah we should. We need to be there for her, I do not have any idea what she is going through. Okay, River you are coming with me–" And just as she turned around, Faye came face to face with him.

He was too close to her, she realised. So close that it was getting hard for her to breath. Her grip on the table became tighter and she felt her legs turn into jelly.

His smell was so addictive, fresh.

That is when she realised that he was coming close to her, if its even possible.

"Faye?" He whispered, brushing his lips against her cheek, inhaling deeply.

She realised how he had his eyes closed, hands on either side of the desk.

She let out a shaky breath, her eyes tracing every feature of his face.

Was that it? Was she finally going to kiss River Blake?

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