31. Hold my hand

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She found the colors to paint him where the world had left him grey.

-The Golden Girl

The car entered the driveway of a big white mansion and River's whole body went rigid.

He gulped, closing his eyes as the engine died, "I do not want to be here, Faye." The words left from his mouth momentarily.

A look of worry passed through Faye's face as she looked at his panic self. How she wished she could help him, how she wished she could bring a smile in his beautiful features.

"River, hey, you know you will eventually meet them one day, why not now? Plus, I am here with you, you aren't alone." She squeezed his hand, making a sigh escape from his mouth.

"Please do not leave my hand." And they both left the car, making their way to the big wooden door that stood in front of them.

As soon as they gained their pace together, Faye's hand found River's.

"Ready?" She asked, making him slowly nod as his adam apple bopped.

"Let's do this, yah?" And Faye slowly rang the doorbell, she herself being a little nervous about how things were going to be.

She gave River's hand a last squeeze before the doors opened, revealing a woman in her forties.

She had very similar features like River. Both had dark hairs and beautiful brown eyes. The only difference was just that River's eyes held a kind of warm feeling on them compared to hers and they momentarily changed into a darker shade.

"River. Oh River." The woman gasped, her eyes on everywhere but him.

"River." She let out a breath as tears suddenly flooded through her orbs.

"Mom." He sighed, his grip on Faye's hand becoming tighter.

"Oh my god River, you have grown so much." The woman wiped her tears before walking up to him, cupping his face between her hands.

The warm, familiar touch made River melt a little. He could already breath in his mother's scent. The aura of lavender and something like soap.

"Yah..." He agreed, a tight smile occupying his features.

That's when River's mother did something that he had not expected her to. Not so soon.

She hugged him.

Wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders, she tightly hugged him, closing her eyes.

And Faye let go of his hand, signaling him to hug his mother back.

He did hug her but well, it was awkward for him and was more of resting one of his hand on his mother's back than a warm bear hug.

They remained like that for a second before his mother started to retreat.

Her eyes, after lingering on River for one more second, went to Faye and her eyes widened by a fraction, making the corner of her lips twitch upward.


"Hey Brenda." Faye awkwardly waved before being enveloped in a warm motherly hug.

"Oh honey, you have grown to be such a beautiful lady." Brenda looked at her with a warm smile before kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you." Faye laughed making Brenda grin.

"Oh my god, you both really are here." Brenda fanned herself, trying to get rid of the tears that were threatening to spill.

She kept on looking at them for minutes with admiration before a voice cut in.

"River, Faye." And came running Maggie, a four year old girl with blonde curls and big brown eyes.

"And there you are, my little princess." River lunged her up as she extended her arms for him to pick her up.

"Papa bear." The little girl grinned, hugging River with her tiny little hands and kissing him in both side of his cheeks.

"We are back with nicknames, ha Mag?" He asked as he flicked her nose, making her giggle.

And as River got engrossed with the little girl, Faye turned to look at Brenda who was already looking at her.

"I do not know if I will ever be able to tell him how much I am sorry." She said, making Faye give her a small smile.

"He's here, maybe make the best out of it."

"Did you fall from haven, cause–" And before his fucked up cousin could end another of the pickup line, River made his way to the couch where Faye was helplessly sitting, her face paler than ever.

"Andrew, shut the fuck up." River almost shouted, making his cousin look at him with a smirk.

"Faye, can you come over here? I need some help with the dishes." And when Faye heard Brenda's voice, she sighed in relief, instantly running away from there.

As soon as she was out of the sight, Andrew turned around to look at him with a smirk, "At least, I am brave enough to make a move, unlike some pathetic wuss."

"Are you calling me pathetic?" River asked, taking a fistful of his shirt.

"You are a chicken. Do you have any idea how many idiots are waiting out there to be her knight? Do you have any idea that if you do not speak your heart now, there are millions of them who will? That one day, she will probably get tired of waiting." And it was Andrew's time to glare at River.

"What are you talking about?"

Hell, he knew better than anyone what Andrew was talking about.

"That you need to make a move, fast. Or else, she will slip away." Andrew said in a board tone, making River sit in the couch with him.

"But didn't you have a thing for her?" River asked, confused.

"We are Blake brothers, we love to play around. No matter how much we try to deny it, we are fucking manwhores. I was just messing with you. Plus, if you really want her, I will get out of your hair." Andrew nodded, making River grin like an idiot.

"You know, you look like a lovesick puppy." And Andrew bursted out laughing, making River show him the finger.

But before he could say anything, the doorbell rang, making both of them turn towards it.

"I got this." River walked up to open the door, only to be greeted by someone whom he wanted to avoid the most in that very moment.

One of the worst chapter ever.

Ugh, I am just annoyed with myself right now.

So sorry folks.

I promise, the next chapter will be worth it.

Until next time.


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