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She never wanted to, but she picked him up, she picked him up that day and one way or another, let him conquer her world.

-The Golden Girl


River Blake was drunk, like high drunk and it felt like alcohol wasn't the only thing that he had dosed upon.

She wished she could say that she left him there or that she punched the hell out of him or better, killed him but... but she couldn't, cause instead of that, she helped him. Walking up to him, she stood him up, wrapping one hand around his waist, she pulled his arm around her shoulder. Thank God, he was little conscious to his surroundings cause otherwise, Faye might have got squeezed under his pressure. He was a guy, add his daily workout and soccer practice, he's maybe double of what Faye is, wait, not maybe, he fucking is.

Grumbling under her breath, she tried to pull him hard but... she was defeated.

She looked around. The thumbing music was making it impossible for her friends to hear her calls. And that's when she saw him, "Justin, Justin, over here..." The blonde guy turned around to look at the one who had just called him and when he saw her, his eyes twinkled.

"Hey..." He ran towards her direction as she struggled with River's heavy self.

"Woh, he's officially drunk." Justin snickered.

He's more than drunk.

"Are you just going to look or gonna help me drag this fatso?" And he laughed, advancing his steps towards her.

"Wait... what's the catch?" He stopped midway and wiggled his eyebrows at Faye.

"Seriously Justin? Can't you just help your friend or whatever?"

He shook his head and said, "Nope, I don't work for free."

A sigh escaped from her her lips as she slumped River's body on the floor and looked at Justin, "What do you want?" She asked, her arms crossed.

Licking his lips, he said, "Go on a date with me."

And she rolled her eyes. What can one expect, he likes her after all.

"That's it?" She asked and he simply shrugged, grinning ear to ear.

"Next weekend?" And Justin's eyes sparkled. After all these years, he was going to finally get what he wanted.

"Now stop grinning like a pig and help me out here."

They both grabbed the now fully unconscious body of River, advancing their steps towards the first room that they will find unoccupied.

"So, are you going to be there on the field on Monday?" Justin asked as they both walked towards the second floor, holding the body.

"Of course I will be, I mean it's soccer, plus, you all are gonna be against the Kingstons. I am more than happy about it."

"Cause you know we will win?"

"Something like that and I kinda have a grudge against those chipmunks." She grumbled as they both reached a wooden door.

Justin pushed the door by his leg and they entered the room. They both dropped River on the floor and Faye switched on the lights.

It was the workshop where River's father, Mr. Christopher Victor Blake spends his spare time in.

"Will you be able to help me with one more thing?"

"What is it?" He asked as he stretched his arms, flexing his muscles.

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