12. Faking it (Part Two)

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"You don't need to save me Blake, you don't have to..."

-The Golden Girl


"Mr Mayfield, I must say, I am impressed." And Faye watched as her father patted someone's shoulder.

Her eyes went to meet her father's. There was a big smile on his face, a smile that can put anyone in shame. A smile that no one will take as a fake one, a smile that said something totally different of what Arthur Lockwood really is. A fun loving and amazing person, not.

The façade almost looked real, and those who really doesn't know him will take him for a really kind and ambitious person, which he is not.

People take Arthur Lockwood as an inspiration, a person who can buy each and everything that he lay his eyes on. He is powerful, strong, a strategist and no doubt, his name is taken on the list of the most successful business persona.

"Isn't it Arthur Lockwood? My favourite man, I thought you were not going to come, I was a little disappointed you know. But there you are, with such a beautiful young lady by your side." An old stout man turned around, with a big grin on his face. He was old, the wrinkles and the creases on the forehead showed it all.

"Well, well, Mr Mayfield, meet my daughter and the heir of the Lockwood industry, Faye Lockwood. And Faye love, meet my client Mr Mayfield." The old man gave Faye a toothy grin and enveloped her into a hug.

"Miss Faye, it's really nice to meet such a beautiful lady like you." The compliment was genuine and Faye knew, Faye knew that he was nothing like her father.

"Thank you sir, and honestly, the pleasure is all mine."

She was astonished, astonished that even if he was her father's friend, belongs to the same background, he is so different. Not even once, his eyes went an inch lower from her face.

"Well, now, Mr Lockwood and Ms Faye, please may I introduce you to my son, Cole, Cole Mayfield." And the old man called for his son who was just standing a little away from them, talking with a small group.

"Yes, father. You called for me."

Okay, alright. He was... a masterpiece. Perfect. He was jaw dropping and honestly, Faye was more than sure that her jaw was on the floor. Her eyes were wide and it was taking in the surrounding, precisely the sharp jawline and some really dark, forest green eyes.

"Cole, my boy, remember the client I was talking about in the morning?" And when the guy nodded, his father continued, "Well he's here, along with his beautiful daughter, meet Mr. Arthur Lockwood and Faye, Faye Lockwood."

"Good evening Mr Lockwood, its a pleasure to meet such an inspiring personality like you." His voice was deep and husky, yes, it was attractive.

Damn attractive.

As soon as the men were done with their greetings, Cole turned to face Faye.

"Miss Faye Lockwood." And he stared at her, like really stared at her. His eyes ran down her whole body and a shiver ran through her spine. She felt exposed.

It was a bad idea, wearing this dress was. She felt like a cheap whore.

When she walked in, her first perspective was that none and I mean none of them were wearing a short dress, let alone in a backless gown. Everyone's attire screamed elegance and somewhere the idea of them being loaded.

"Cole Mayfield." She greeted, a small hesitant smile appearing on her face.

"I must say, you look really— beautiful this evening." A small smirk was plastered on his face as he looked at her with judging eyes.

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