30. When he broke

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And when he looked at her, he just knew, it was time to breath in the air of silent and magical beginnings.

-The Golden Girl

"Pineapple in pizza is awesome, alright? Now, shut up and just drive." She pulled his hair, making him groan in pain.

"Why would you do that?" He grabbed her hands and playfully glared at her.

"Cause you just said that pineapple is shit." She crossed her arms around her chest and pouted.

"It's gross." He scrunched his nose, trying to look as if he was disgusted by her choice.

Oh trust me, in inside, he was dying of laughter.

"I hate you." She grumbled, the glare fixed on the road.

"You love me, sunshine." He said, laughing hysterically.

And at that, she showed him the finger, glaring at him, trying really really hard to ignore the elephants that were making its way to her stomach.

She fucking loved his laugh. She loved the way it made him squint his eyes, how it made the dimples appear in both side of his cheeks. She loved it.

"Zach called when we were in the gas station. Apparently, even my cousins are gonna be there." River grumbled after some time, his eyes on the road.

"As in Maggie and Andrew?" She asked, horror flashing in her eyes.

"Yah, them." He said, he himself sounding annoyed.

"Andrew is gonna be there..."

"I swear sunshine, if he will try to get into your pants this time, I will make him risk his whole generation." River gritted out, his knuckles turning white.

Well, well, let's just say, Andrew is someone who has a fetish for Faye.

"As long as you are there, no one can lay a finger on me." She mumbled, making sure that he doesn't hear her.

"Anyways, there are miles to go, it will take more than two hours for us to reach there, take some rest." He turned around to look at her, a warm smile on his features.

"Wanna have fun without me, River?" She asked, chuckling.

"Will not dare to. Really though, you look tired, get some sleep. You were yawning earlier in the café. I will wake you up if I miss you." And he found her looking at him with a wide smile.

"Yah whatever."

River turned around to look at the girl who sat on the passenger seat, next to him.

A deep chuckle escaped from his lips as he realised that she was snoring lightly, her mouth slightly open.

Even her snoring had the potential to melt him in seconds.

He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.

"You are killing me, you know that?." He whispered under his breath before shifting his gaze to the front and parking the car at the side.

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