37. Apologies and confessions

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"Even if there was no gravity on earth,
I would still fall for you."

-The Golden Girl
(I don't own this content)


"Wanna go for a walk?" And River looked up to find Annalise leaning in the doorway, a small smile on her face.

He ran his hand through his hair, trying to forget everything that happened in the pool.

Why the hell did he kiss her?

Why the fucking hell did he let his emotions take the best of him?

Why the fucking hell does he has to ruin practically everything?

Just, why?

He groaned, frustrated with himself.

"You, alright?" Annalise walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at the bedside table clock and saw that it was almost one am.

"Yah, let's go." He mumbled as he pulled a hoodie upon his white tank.

"So, are you ever gonna tell her?" Annalise asked as they both walked out of the mansion.

"Ha?" He looked at her, dumbfounded.

There were so many emotions running inside his mind.

His sister was talking with him.

Actually trying to make a conversation.

"I am talking about Faye, silly." She laughed, making him look at her with admiration.

His little sister.



"What's up?" She looked at him with a warm smile.

"Its, its just been a while, I mean, talking to you, like this, you know, like we are okay, like, I mean, like... I don't know, it just feels good to find out that you are still talking to me." He deadpanned, grumbling under his breath.

"I am sorry." A little tear fell out of her eyes and she turned away.

"I am sorry." He said instead.

"No, do not be. I was the one who ignored you for the last two years, acting like a child and shit, you tried to talk, did not you? I did not. I pushed you, I threw you out of my life, hell, I blamed you for everything that you never did. I hurt you, its my fault." She let out a humorless laugh, tears falling freely out of her eyes.

"Its okay Anna, its okay. I would have done the same thing." He said, squeezing her hand.

"I am so sorry River, I am so so sorry." She hugged him tightly.

"Shhh, Anna, shhh..." He patted her comfortably, smiling through his glassy eyes.

"I love you." She continued, "And I am sorry, I just needed someone to blame, I am so cruel, I am so sorry." She cried.

"Hey." He cupped her face between his hands, "Its over, yah? Everything is fine now. Anna, I know what you have been through, its okay. Stop crying, your big brother is here."

"I missed you so much." She said between hiccups as he wiped her tears, smiling.

"I misses you too my minion."

"She is Faye Lockwood, Anna."


"And Faye Lockwood think of me as a friend."

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