43. Spying on the Blake kid (Part II)

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"I can love things by watching her love them,
That's how I know I love her."

-The Golden Girl
(I don't own this content)


"So, are you ready?" Zach asked, as she barged out of the door, her black hoodie over her head.

Why was she going once again?

Before an hour, she had thought that River deserved his privacy. But when Zach mentioned a girl, her state of mind totally changed and she switched to her Godzilla mood.

That was not supposed to mean that she did not know whether she is doing the right thing or not, she does, hell, she knows its wrong, that she should not invade in his personal matters, but at that moment, there was something more powerful blending on her mind, a certain anger and sadness.

Does that mean River is dating someone? Even the thought made her stomach feel sick.

She let out a shaky breath, her color turning pale.

Why was she feeling like this? In a corner of her mind, she knew exactly why she was agreeing to Zach, she knew that she loved River, loved him like the way she never loved someone else, but the other part said that she just wanted to help Zach and look out for her best friend.

"Faye, hey, do not over think. We do not really know what happened, do we?" Zach wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leading her to his mustang.

Zach did not know what to tell Faye. Zach did not know what can make her feel better. She was pale, her eyes wandering around. He knew she was miserable.

He shook his head.

She is so naive. He thought.

"Zach?" He heard her timid voice as they both got in the car.

"Yah?" He asked, starting the ignition.

"Do you think, ah, River, is, you know, dating whoever this Thompson girl is?" And Zach looked at her with a small smile.

"I do not think so. Plus, we know him better than anyone. Do you think he will keep it from us?" Zach asked, his eyebrows raised.

"So, you are not sure?" She frowned.

"I am not. But something in my mind says that their is something more into it. Pretty sure it involves dad." Zach mumbled, driving to their destination.


"Looks like we will have to walk." And Faye looked up to see a flood of people in front of the hotel's entrance.

"Paparazzi." She whispered, a glare fixed on her facial expressions.

"So, they know, River is here." Zach grumbled, rubbing his face. 

"How will we go in, then?" Faye asked.

"Who said something about going in, ha?" And she looked at him suspiciously, waiting for him to explain further.

"You see the garden." And Faye found herself looking at the entrance. There was indeed a garden with tall bushes that were trimmed in an elegant and artificial way. Fairy lights and beautiful lamp posts were gracing the grounds.

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