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Percy's POV

I buttoned the shiny white buttons of my tux, fiddling with the buttons. Sweat ran down my forehead.

"Dude," Leo said. "Calm down."

"I can't," I said nervously. "It's my wedding! What if I say 'I do' at the wrong time, or forget my vows? I'm the kind of person that would mess this up!"

"Oh relax." Said Jason.

"Easy for you to say, you've already had your wedding!" Jason shrugged.

"Still," Jason said nonchalantly. "It's gonna be fine." Frank walked into the room.

"Worried Percy?" Frank asked.

"Blaaa," Grover bleated. "Percy is sweating more than he was when he had to fight Kronos."

"Scared of Annabeth Percy?" Leo laughed.

"Nah, I got over that fear about a year ago." I smiled. There was a knock on the door. Connor Stoll stuck his head in the room.

"Guys, you better get over to the altar. The wedding is starting."

"Okay. Grover, Frank, Jason, Leo and Tyson are you all here?" I asked.

"Yes." They all responded.

"Then come on groomsmen. We have a wedding to go to." I said.


I stood at the altar, looking into the crowd full of smiling faces. I saw my mother, Annabeth's father and stepmom, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Juniper, and many other friends and family members. Suddenly, music began to play. I tapped my foot nervously. Then I saw her. Annabeth began to walk down the aisle. A veil was over her face, but I could see she was smiling. Her dress hugged her body enough to see her shape, but not so much as you could see everything. As she walked, silver owls danced around on her dress and gleamed like diamonds. Her gorgeous blond hair was brushed up in a bun, but pieces outlined her face like icicles hanging down from windowsills in the winter. I couldn't take my eyes off her. My wise girl. Trailing behind her was Thalia, Hazel, and Piper. But I didn't pay much attention to them. All could see was Annabeth.

"Percy? Hello?" Chiron said, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Huh? Oh, uh, I do." I heard a few giggles from the audience. Annabeth giggled.

"And now, Annabeth chase, do you take Perseus Jackson to be your husband?" Chiron asked.

"I do." She said, smiling. Her gray eyes shined in the sunlight.

"Well then Percy, you may kiss the bride." I leaned in, lifting up her veil. I kissed her for a good 10 seconds, which was maybe too long because Leo interrupted.

"He said kiss her, not make out with her." Leo whispered to me. I broke away, turning bright red from embarrassment.

"We'll continue this tonight, wise girl." I whispered in her ear. She smiled and bit her lip. Gods she was gorgeous.

"Now come on. To the after party!" Leo shouted, waving everybody toward the pavilion where tables, food, and music were set up.

"I love you seaweed brain." Annabeth said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too, wise girl." I said back to her. We stood there for a moment, no one around us, just us, looking into each other's eyes.

"To Tartarus and back." She told me. I grinned.

"Literally." I added.

"So," She began. "Any chance of me getting you to tell me where our honeymoon will be?" She smiled.

"Not a chance." I smiled back. She sighed happily.

"Fine seaweed brain," She gave in. "But it better not be Sea World." She joked.

"Darn it." I said jokingly. She laughed.

"Now come on," She said, grabbing my hand. "I want to show you the blue cake." She led my hand toward the pavilion, where I would get my first dance with Mrs. Jackson.



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