New Addition

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Percy's POV

Last night had probably been the greatest night of my life. Better then when I was reunited with Annabeth, first kissed her, or even the night of Piper and Jason's wedding. No, last night was much better than all of those combined. I turned toward Annabeth, planting a kiss on her cheek before getting out of bed to put on clothes. I walked to my suitcase and pulled out a orange camp Half-Blood shirt and some jeans.

"Morning seaweed brain." Annabeth said groggily, getting out of bed. "Oops!" Annabeth said as she got out of bed, then remembered she wasn't wearing any clothing. She grabbed a sheet from our bed. Her blond hair was scraggly and tousled around in a bed head and she had bags from lack of sleep under her eyes. In other words, she looked gorgeous.

"No worries," I smirked. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

"Percy!" She swatted my arm playfully. "Don't be a pervert!"

"I'm just telling the truth." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever seaweed brain." She said, rolling her eyes again.

"So," I began. "Where do you want to visit in Greece first?" Her eyes lit up.

"I want to see the Parthenon, of course. Oh, and the..." She rambled on about some Greek architecture thing. "Oh, but first can we find a drugstore? I need to buy some toiletries."

"Sure." I agreed.


Annabeth approached the counter with a razor, perfume, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and something under all that stuff that I couldn't see.

"Hey Percy? Do you mind... Bringing the car around while I check out?" She asked nervously.

"Okay," I replied. "Be right back." I walked out the sliding doors to our rental car, wondering why Annabeth was acting so weird. I pulled the car around to the front of CVS and stepped out. I walked back through the doors and walked over to Annabeth at the register. She jumped when she saw me. The lady at the register gave Annabeth a look of pity, and me a look of loathing. I felt like I was missing a piece of a puzzle, or left out of some big secret. Annabeth grabbed the plastic bag.

"Do you want me to carry that for you?" I offered. She shook her head.

"So," I began. "You want to tell me what's going on?" Annabeth turned a shade of green.

"What are you talking about?" She stuttered.

"I know you too well wise girl. I know something's up." She turned an even deeper shade of green.

"Percy," She began, then frowned. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.

"What?" I asked, grabbing her hand.

"Come on," She smiled weakly. "Let's go back to the house." I kept her hand in mine as we walked toward the car. I opened her door for her, helping her in. She seemed like she was about to faint. I revved the engine and drove back to the house. Upon arrival, I looked over at Annabeth and saw her eyelids had closed and she had fallen asleep. I popped the trunk, getting the bag.

"Oops." I said as a small box fell out of the shopping bag. I picked it up and turned it over curiously. I read the title then dropped it like it was hot lava. It was a box of pregnancy testers.

I have no words...😱


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