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Annabeth's POV

I was very worried that when Calypso came back that Percy would be jealous. I mean, I've read books and heard stories about Calypso. I've even seen her in a photo/painting. And she was drop dead gorgeous. I know Percy had proposed and he loves me, but he once fell for Calypso also. Part of me wants her to come back so Leo can be happy, but part of me wants her to stay away from seaweed brain. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Annabeth?" Piper asked. "May I come in?"

"Of course Piper." Piper opened the door and plopped down on my bed.

"So," Piper prompted. "We have some things to talk about." I furrowed my brow.

"We do?" Piper rolled her eyes as if it was obvious.

"Yes silly. And I think you know what: Calypso." I gulped nervously.

"What's there to talk about?"

"Annabeth, I know how you're feeling. I felt the same way when Jason went back to New Rome. But we have to have faith in our boyfriends. They love us, otherwise you wouldn't be engaged and I wouldn't be married." I felt like Piper knew just what to say.

"Thanks Piper. It's just... Calypso. I've seen and heard about her, and she is someone who could give Aphrodite a run for her money." Piper patted my hand knowingly.

"In Percy's eyes, you are better than Calypso, Aphrodite, anyone. You name it. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the same way Jason looks at me, Frank looks at Hazel, and Nico looks at Percy for some reason. I can tell. Daughter of Aphrodite, remember?" Piper smiled. I smiled back, thankful for her kind words. But I still wasn't sure if Percy wasn't going to fall for Calypso once again.

"Can in come in?" Hazel knocked.

"Sure." I responded. Hazel opened the door and stuck her head in.

"Talking about Percy and Calypso?" She guessed.

"Who else?" Piper giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not that jealous! I'm just... Worried. What if Percy falls for her again? Calypso's arrival will cause lots of unneeded drama. Leo will be angry at Percy for breaking Calypso's heart, it will be awkward for me because I'm Percy's fiancée, and Percy might still have feelings for her!" I said frustratedly. Why couldn't things stay the way they were? Why did Percy have to land on Ogygia?

"Annabeth, you and Percy have been dating for five years, you are about to get married, he gave up immortality for you, he fell to Tartarus with you, and he had... Well, you know, that with you. Is that not enough?" Hazel reasoned. I shrugged.

"You're right. I shouldn't doubt Percy's loyalty," I sighed.

"Okay, enough about Calypso. Tell us about the baby Hazel!" Piper squealed. Hazel blushed.

"Well, Frank and I have decided that we would wait to find out the gender of the baby. Frank and I are fine with whatever the gender of the baby is as long as the baby is happy and healthy." Hazel said.

"I'm so excited! You guys will make great parents!" Piper shrieked. I smiled. They would make great parents.


I was sitting on my bed after the girls left, thinking about our conversation. I shouldn't be worried about the whole Calypso thing, I should be happy for Leo and Calypso. They would make a great couple. My thoughts were interrupted by another knock on my door.

"Piper, we've already discussed the whole Calypso thing. What else is there to talk about?" I sighed.

"Actually, it's me." Frank said. I straightened up, surprised.

"Oh. What is it?" I asked, confused.

"I thought you might want to know," He gulped. "Calypso's here."

Ooh, cliffhanger! Yeah, I know this chapter was kinda fluff. That's okay though, because I'll be updating a lot tomorrow!


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