Breaking the News

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Annabeth's POV

For once, demigod nightmares didn't haunt me while I slept. However, I would have the occasional dream that I would give birth to a horse. I'm not sure how long I slept, but it was definitely more than just a nap. Huh. I guess pregnancy does that to you. I sat up. I was in the bed at our rental house, all alone in a bed meant to be shared. I turned over then heard a crinkling of paper. I reached under the sheets. A note was left by Percy:

At the lake. I'll be there for a while. Don't worry, I'll be back soon.


I frowned. Percy only left me to go swim when he was troubled. Maybe I should have told him what was going on, so he wouldn't worry. I got up to go get the box of pregnancy testers out of the car when I realized: Percy brought the bag in while I was asleep! He knows! I ran to the door and swung it open, heading for the lake. Once I got to the lake, I jumped in without hesitation. Almost instantly a bubble of air surrounded me.

"Annabeth?" Percy called. His voice sounded funny, like static.

"Percy!" I called back, trying to swim through the current. Percy stayed silent.

"Why didn't you tell me right when you found out?" Hurt filled his voice.

"I was.. I was..." I struggled for words. "Scared." Percy laughed without humor.

"Of what Annabeth? What?" I could see Percy's figure now, his body curled into a ball. I swam even faster.

"I wasn't sure if you would be happy. It wasn't exactly planned." I explained.

"Annabeth, I am so excited to have children. I couldn't be happier. So what if we weren't planning on having children now? We were going to have them eventually." I smiled and took his hand now that he was a foot away from me.

"Five drachmas on a girl." I joked.

"One thing I have learned: never bet against Annabeth. Until now. You're on, wise girl." Percy squeezed my hand back and pulled us to the surface.

"Ready?" Percy asked as I squeezed his hand so tight it began to turn purple. He didn't seem to mind. I nodded, fiddling with a golden drachma. I threw it into the fountain.

"The other five and Calypso on Half-Blood hill." I stammered. Percy gave me a reassuring nod. Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel and Calypso were all sitting down chattering at the dinner table.

"Hey guys." Percy said. They all turned their heads.

"What's up?" Jason asked. Percy grinned.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out. Leo choked on his sandwich.

"Percababies!!" Piper shrieked. I rolled my eyes.

"Calm down Piper." I told her.

"Sorry." She apologized, her face red.

"Do you think the baby will be able to breathe underwater?" Leo asked excitedly.

"That is the first thing you think of?" Calypso laughed.

"What?" Leo said innocently.

"What should we name him or her?" I asked.

Please insert one more drachma for another five minutes. A voice spoke. I fished around in my pockets. Schist! No drachmas!

"Okay guys see you soon!" I said just as the image disconnected.

"Well," Percy began. "That wasn't as hard as I thought." I smiled.

"Come on seaweed brain," I said, grabbing his hand and leading it back to the house. "We have some planning to do."

Just broke 1,000! Thank you so much! 😘I need some baby names! Any suggestions?


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