The Night

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Annabeth's POV

I had no clue where we were going for our honeymoon, which worried me. I always have a plan, unless I have no clue where I will spend the next few weeks of my life! I hoped we were going some place with good sightseeing, because I really love looking at museums and architecture.

"Mrs.Jackson?" The flight attendant called. I was really starting to like the sound of Mrs. Jackson. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked.

"No thanks, just water." Percy had rented a plane just for the two of us, and it was really nice. Although, Percy had to write a letter to Zeus telling him that we would be flying.

"Isn't this nice Mrs. Jackson?" Percy asked, smiling.

"Yes it is, Mr. Jackson," I responded, smiling. "So no clues as to where we are going?"

"Nope, not a chance." I groaned.

"Please?" I whined.

"Ok fine," He responded, sighing with displeasure. "The place we are going to is on this planet." I laughed.

"Oh really, Seaweed Brain? I had no idea." I responded sarcastically, giggling. Percy smirked.

"All you need to know is that when we get there I will make you so sore you won't be able to walk for days." My mouth dropped open.

"Percy!" I said swatting his arm.

"What?" He said innocently. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I already know that." I said seductively. Percy smiled and bit his lip, then leaned in for a kiss. He grasped my hips firmly and pulled me in. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. His tongue pushed against my lips begging for entrance. I let him in. Percy pulled me onto his lap, with my legs curving around his hips.

"Better save some for tonight wise girl." Percy whispered. I blushed.


"Please remain seated and put your tray tables up." A flight attendant reminded us.

"My tray table isn't the only thing that's up." Percy whispered in my ear.

"Percy," I complained jokingly. "No more sex jokes!" I giggled. Percy smirked.

"Okay okay!" Percy surrendered, putting his hands up. I giggled.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson?" The flight attendant asked. "We're landing soon." Percy turned and smiled at me.

"Wanna guess where we are going?" He asked.

"Hmm," I thought. "Let's see. The flight was about 8 hours and I've always wanted to see Greece. So are we going to Greece?" I guessed.

"Yes!" Percy exclaimed. "Are you excited?" I nodded my head.

"Yes! They have so much amazing architecture there!" I responded happily.

"Great! We're staying at this awesome hotel with this really cool view of some ruins and the room is really huge!" Percy babbled on.


"Percy this is gorgeous!" I exclaimed, setting down my bags on the floor of our room.

"I knew you would like it." Percy grinned. "But I think it would be better if you had no clothes on." Percy smirked. I walked toward him, my heart pounding.

"So do I." I whispered. Percy licked his lips, picking up on my mood. He pushed me up against a wall and pressed his body into mine. His lips smashed onto mine and his tongue pushed against my lip asking for entrance. I teased him for a while, then finally let him in. My hands grabbed at his hair, pulling him closer. His lips trailed down my neck and reached the top of my shirt. Percy's hands held the bottom hem of my shirt between his fingertips, and then pulled it over my head. His hands reached to the clip on my bra and unclasped it, throwing my bra to the corner of the room. He rubbed his fingertips over my nipples and began to suck on them.

"Percy..." I moaned. He began pulling my pants off and I ripped his shirt off, spraying buttons around the room and breaking his shirt. I fiddled with his zipper, finally just pulling his pants off in frustration. Percy tackled me back onto the bed, his mouth assaulting mine again.

"Ready?" Percy asked permission. I nodded. He slipped into me, and pleasure ran through my body. He thrusted into me again and again. We layed under the sheets after, my body curled up next to his. I began to drift off, my eyelids giving away.

Really sorry I haven't updated! I've been REALLY sick!


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