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Percy's POV
I tucked in my orange CHB t-shirt into my jeans with no luck. Say what you will, but it was pretty darn hard to get your shirt tucked in. I couldn't wait to see Apollo. He might be able to find out why Annabeth passed out and maybe even help her with all the pregnancy pain. I knew Annabeth was really hurting, which didn't take Einstein to figure out because she was always throwing up and she couldn't move around much. Right when I began to attempt to comb through my scraggly hair, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said. Annabeth opened the door.

"Ready to see-" She started, then began to giggle.

"What?" I asked her, confused.

"Percy, your pants are pulled up almost to your chin, your shirt is bunched up in a bunch of weird places, and you are truly horrible at tucking in your shirt." She giggled.

"Oh," I shrugged. "Is that it?" She laughed again.

"Come on, Seaweed Brain. We have a godly doctor's appointment." She placed her hand in mine, then winced.

"What's wrong?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in worry.

"Just-" She winced again. "The baby."

"Don't worry," I told her. "Apollo will straighten all this out."

"I hope so." She told me. I looked into her stormy gray eyes, and I knew she'd been going through a lot more pain then she let on.

"So," Apollo flashed a grin. "Give me the low-down. What's been going on?"

"Well," Piper said. "It all started when Annabeth passed out at the campfire-"

"Hold on," Apollo said, then snapped his fingers. A clipboard with a pen appeared in his hands. "That's better. Carry on."

"Um," Piper started to say. "Then Hazel passed out. Finally, I passed out. All of us were in what seemed like a coma for two weeks, except me. I was woken up by singing." Apollo didn't seem surprised, even about the fact that Piper woke up because Calypso sang to her. He just scribbled notes on his clipboard and nodded just like we were a book he was re-reading and he already knew what was about to happen.

"How did you feel right before you passed out?" He asked us.

"I felt like the world was spinning, and things started to blur. I sat down, but that only made it worse. That's when I passed out." Annabeth told him.

"Both of you had the same experiences?" Apollo asked Hazel and Piper. They nodded in agreement. Apollo put down his pen.

"Do you know what's been going on?" Frank asked Apollo worriedly, then put his arm around Hazel.

"Almost. Can I get a child of mine over here?" Apollo yelled down the hall. A girl came rushing in. She walked in the room, and her mouth fell open.

"Dad?!" She asked quizzically.

"Hello there Naomi! Good to see you. And look at how much you've grown!" Naomi turned bright red. Jason coughed to bring Apollo's attention back to us.

"You needed me?" Asked Naomi.

"Oh, right! Back to you." He said, then beckoned her forward. Apollo then whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear. Naomi's face paled.

"Okay. I-I'll see what we can do." She said, then ran out of the room.

"Oh, and don't forget to ready the emergency prep team!" He added. Naomi nodded gravely. All of us looked around the room at each other, our faces full if worry.

"Okay!" Apollo said cheerfully. "Please make your way to the emergency operation room!"

Just saying, I really love it when you guys comment or star my chapters. Trust me, I do see it and it warms my heart! So thank you to all of you who have been commenting and starring all my chapters!


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