Passed Out

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Annabeth's POV

Being pregnant was horrible. It was hard to sleep, I would throw up for no reason, and the baby kicked me constantly. It was better having Hazel with me, who was going through the same thing, and whenever Piper was home the three of us would sympathize with each other. Percy was surprisingly helpful. He carried me up stairs, brought me food, and helped with the pain whenever the baby was kicking.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked me while holding my hair back as I threw up into the toilet.

"Morning sickness." I croaked.

"Do you want to lie down?" Percy asked.

"Actually, I want to go to the doctor and see how the babies are doing."

Phoebe walked in panting, with a clipboard in her hands.

"The-Babies-are-healthy." She huffed.

"Why are you so out of breath?" Percy asked.

"I had to-" She panted. "Go rescue a pregnant camper who passed out just like you." Percy and I exchanged looks of alarm.

"What?!" I said, popping out of my chair. "Which room is she in?"

"The one across the hall," Chiron said, trotting in through the open door. "And she is at the stage in her pregnancy that you and Hazel were when you two passed out. I am afraid that at this point we need to call Apollo in. I have never seen anything like this." Said Chiron, his voice full of concern.
"She just passed out," Jason said, his voice cracking. "I had my arm around her, and then her body relaxed like when she sleeps. Her head slumped, and her breathing slowed. It was... scary." Jason buried his hands in his face.

"Don't worry, Chiron is bringing Apollo in to see what's going on with all of us." I reassured him. Percy nodded.

"Do you think it has something to do with being pregnant?" Percy asked me. I shrugged.

"Probably, but I don't know for sure." Suddenly Hazel and Frank came rushing through the door.

"We heard the news," Frank said. "We came as quick as we could."

"Jason, what happened?" Hazel asked Jason.

"I-I don't know." He choked. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said. Leo and Calypso entered the room, holding hands.

"Did someone else pass out?" Leo joked.

"Yes." Jason said gravely.

"Oh," Leo said surprised. "I thought-never mind."

"Excuse me," Calypso said, breaking the silence. "But I think I can help."

"No offense Calypso, but I don't see how you can help since the camps' best doctors have tried and failed." Hazel questioned.

"Yes, but it is worth a try, is it not?" She argued. So Calypso began to sing. Her singing was as sweet as sugar and as smooth as silk. It was beautiful.
"I love it when she does that." Leo muttered. Piper's eyes began to flutter open.

"What-what happened?" She croaked. Jason sprang out of his chair, his eyes now dry.

"Pipes!" He said, relieved.

"Can we get some nectar and ambrosia?" Percy shouted down the hall. A kid came rushing in with a tray. He set it on the table then rushed out. Piper chewed on the ambrosia.

"That was amazing!" Frank said to Calypso. Calypso blushed. Chiron trotted in, interrupting our conversation.

"I contacted Olympus," said Chiron, his voice dark. "Apollo will be here tomorrow."

What do you guys think is going to happen? 😉I sense a plot twist!


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