26 | arrivée.

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[french → arrival] 

"It was just a minor problem," Tahira smiled, looking at Maya who clearly had fear in her eyes. "He had a brain attack of some sort—like a tiny migraine, get it? Maybe it's because his memories are coming back,"

"Maybe? "

"Maybe," Tahira nodded, landing beside Maya on the couch. "I'm not that sure, though—but from his condition, I could tell that his memories will come back soon. But not that soon. He still have a lot to remember."

"Well," Maya sighed. "I—I'm sorry for bothering you. I guess it was just a tiny problem, eh?"

"Nah, don't be," Tahira flashed a reassuring smile. "He just needs a lot of rest. And while he rests, we can hang out if you want—invite Emily too. After all, it's her house that we're in."

"My house is your house too, Tahira," Tahira turned around and saw Emily—who was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. As she approached them, Emily sat by the wooden stool by the kitchen counter, taking a glass of water for a drink. 

"Where do you guys wanna go? I mean, there's a lot of fun places for us to visit here in San Diego—it's not like New York or even Los Angeles. This place—"

Maya cut her off, "—is heaven, I know." Shaking her head with a sly smile, she said; "You've been saying that since the first day I came here."

"Well, I'm just stating the truth," Emily mocked.

"Okay, whatever." Tahira broke in with a grin on her face. "Why not we just go for a quick swim instead of going to the mall and stuff? I'm too broke, you know?" She nudged her head at the balcony. "After all, it's just by the beach—and it's not far from here."

"Girl, I live on the beach," Emily rolled her eyes. "Of course it's not far—it's just right here!"

Tahira nodded with a smirk. "I know that, Emily. San Diego is heaven for you but who cares?" She shook her head and approached the balcony. The cool wind breezed in, sending her hair high in the air. It reminded her of her first date.

Memories of it came flashing by like lightning and parts of her were pained by it. All she saw in the flashbacks were her in dreadful tears and her screaming for help. And she hated those memories. She hated them so much. 

The sudden nudge on her shoulders took her back to reality. Turning around, Maya stood before her with a concerned look on her face, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I am," Tahira lied, like she used to do.

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