St. Priscilla's #1- Hyram Creeks

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Baby's Going Away

A big family lived in a small house away from the city. In a little clinic within said city, the newest member of this family was born. This child was different from the others. She wasn't specifically ugly, nor a more unique shape from the rest, or perhaps she was. Unique, that is. A family once gone unnoticed, was put on the map by this child's birth. Though when compared to others this child's innate abilities weren't too impressive, but for this family, it was the greatest thing they'd ever seen.

Lettice and Gamlyn Creeks knew they had something special with their daughter, Hyram. She was in a way, the prize of the family. The culmination of all the innate abilities of the past generation of each family member. This had oddly skipped her older brother and sister, Lowry and Gysela. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were twins.

It was upon reaching her eleventh birthday that her parents had decided to send her to St. Priscilla's Home for the Lost, and despite what the name might lead you to believe, this was not a punishment, but an upgrade. Hyram far surpassed all the students her old school, so a change of scenery was needed.

As the Creeks' black sedan treaded down the rough road, rumbling as if it were a massive beast, Hyram found herself squished in the middle of the back seats by her older twin siblings no less. She was a slim girl, but her teenage siblings had sharp shoulders.

"Going casual for your first day, I see?" Gysela remarked, commenting on her clothing.

Hyram looked to her clothes, a purple hoodie with a black tank top underneath, with burgundy track pants and green high tops running shoes with red bottoms. Her dark brown hair in a loose bun that left a few strands coming down her face.


"I like it, you look-"

"Athletic." Lowry finished.

"I was gonna say cute, but okay. So much for twin telepathy." Gysela turned to the window, and  as if on cue, her mother turned to face her, slightly straining against her seatbelt and pushing up her glasses.

"Now Hyram dear, we probably should've had this conversation with you earlier before we got into the car-but that's neither here nor there-I know this is a big change, and you might be a lil' overwhelmed-and that's perfectly okay- but we just want you to know that your father and I are so proud of you, and your older brother and sister are too!"

"Just do your best and try-" Gysela began.

"Not to die." Lowry finished again.

"To make friends, geez." Gysela shot him a look.

"No pressure!" Her father added, wisely not averting his eyes from the road.

"If my seatbelt wasn't strangling me and your father wasn't driving I'd call for a family group hug, so twins, hug your sister for me!" Her mother tugged on her seatbelt to demonstrate, while her siblings wrapped their arms around her in a tight grasp.

"Anyway, I think I've still neglected to mention a bunch of things on my reminder list-" Her mother rambled.

"We're here." Her father interjected, shutting off the car and removed his seatbelt before opening his door.

"Oh, dear." Her mother began flipping through her grey notebook haphazardly as she got out of the car, Hyram and her siblings followed.

"Uh, no drugs, alocohol, or unprotected sex! But your eleven, and you've always been a good girl, so I'm not that worried but still. Uh, listen to your teachers, do good at school, and um..."

"You have a lot of freedom, but don't abuse it." Her father added as he got her bags from the trunk, and handed them to her.

"And remember-" Her brother began as he placed a knapsack on her back.

"To just call if you need anything. And that we love you, in case you didnt know." Her sister finished, raising her brow at their brother.

"Yeah, I think that covers everything important. Family group hug!" Hyram felt like she might've passed out from being squeezed so hard before they let go.

Her mother looked around nervously at all the other students walking through the open gates.

"Oh goodness, I hope you're not embarrassed by us, and that this didn't ruin your social status."

"It's fine, mom. Why would I want to hide how much you guys care?" Hyram smiled softly.

"Aw." Her father sniffled, stroking his beard, blinking with watery eyes.

"Dear, are you crying?" Her mother lowered her glasses.

"It's just...I just realized it now...our baby's going away for a whole year." He blew his nose with a handkerchief in his blazer pocket.

"Oh, Gamlyn dear, she'll just be a few hours away." Her mother rubbed his back.

"But-" Her father blew his nose again.

"Oh my gosh, Hyram's gonna be late." Gysela checked her phone.

"Oh goodness, you better go inside dear, we'd love nothing more than to walk you in since this school has no reviews and a lackluster website, but your father and I have a high profile client soon, the twins have school, and-oh goodness, rambling again. Have fun, Hyram." She grabbed her shoulders, and lightly turned her around to face the gates, giving her a slight push.

Hyram waved to her family as she entered the massive gates and faded from view.

"You think she'll be ok?" Her mother asked as they began to drive back.

"I wouldn't worry, mom. With her powers? She'll be one of the coolest kids in the school." Lowry smirked, as he checked his phone, happy the tracker, camera, and other devices he had earlier installed in Hyram's bag was working perfectly. He showed his mother the screen.

"See, mom? Vitals are fine."

"Oh, Lowry, where would we be without you?"

"Still unable to hook up the TV I bet." His father chuckled. With that they drove off, their worries put to rest.

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