St. Priscilla's #4- Jethro Ganem

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Thank You For Stalking

A boy woke up before his alarm, every day. But today, was a special day, it would be his first day of boarding school. It was also his eleventh birthday. After doing some push-ups, he began his meticulous morning routine. After showering, he applied a face mask containing only natural ingredients, after that he began styling his long black, curly hair,having it end up looking like a muffin with sharp edges or an explosion. He had shaved his sideburns into a fade to prevent his hair from looking too ridiculous.

His typically tan skin now looked much brighter after he applied an additional facial scrub and removed his face mask. After placing product in his hair and a skin cream he felt satisfied. After placing all the items he used in a pink vanity bag, he felt someone slumping against the door with a groan, and knew instantly who it was. He opened the door slowly, so he could let the person on the opposite side get their bearings.

The tall and pale woman with red hair on the other side of the door had rosy cheeks, a bottle in one hand, and seemed to be wearing nothing but a blue bathrobe, his sister's bathrobe in fact, but this was not his sister.

"Good morning, Dr. Hopps." Jethro had to push her up from the shoulders to prevent her from falling.

"Jethro! Morning luv'! And "doctor"? You flatter me, just a humble coroner. As you can see for yourself, I am quite...inebriated." She giggled. "What a funny word. Have you've seen me specs or jumper?" She giggled again, stumbling into the washroom and balancing herself on the counter. In her confused state, she emptied the clear liquor into her hands over the sink and splashed it into her face, before Jethro could object.

She then licked the liquid as it slid down her face. "I just...did that. Anyway, I do hope you don't need to use the washroom anytime soon, as you're probably too young to understand this but...I am massively hungover. Your sister sure drank me under the table! Now, if you don't mind-" Dr. Hopps then proceeded to vomit into the toilet.

Jethro shook his head, closing the door and going into his room to throw on some clothes other than the towel he had wrapped around him. He placed his vanity bag in with the other bags, and came out of his room clothed. He wore an open light black jacket with a single white stripe on the left arm, with a yellow t-shirt underneath, with black capris, and he got his new white running shoes with orange stripes ready in his right hand as he carried his schoolbag with his left.

Upon entering the kitchen of his family's apartment, he saw his older half-sister snoring loudly on the kitchen's round table, her pale face was obscured by her raven hair, in stark contrast to him, she had almost ivory skin and dark eyes, while he had the opposite, hazel skin and pale eyes. He got a pre-made sandwich he himself had made days before at the request of his half-sister, who served as his guardian due to his parents still being in his homeland, Ayrazi-Ayluné,
the Land of Magenta Nights & the Pink Moon.

Though he had no memories of the distant kingdom, he did not doubt the fantastic tales his half-sister had recalled to him. This was probably due to him being fantastic himself-and this was not any fashion of arrogance, he did in fact have an ability many would desire. It allowed him to be absolutely sure that there were no defects in his sandwich as he ate it sitting across from his sister, and it could be considered perfect, no thanks to his ability.

His purposely obnoxious chewing woke her, triggering a groan as she raised her head and yawned. Upon seeing that it was him she lazily buttoned up her white blouse (which was half unbuttoned) to an appropriate height, and stood from the table to make tea, after pushing down her crimson pencil skirt. Despite the fact that she was his half-sister and playing the role of parent, he was well-aware of how attractive she was, even with a bedhead and in her drowsy state.

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