St. Priscilla's #11 - Hyram Creeks (She's Back!)

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Hyram's Way

     "You're sweating, that's good." Her grandfather's words were nearly drowned out by her heavy breaths. Her legs trembling and her head hung low, her throat tight as she weakly reached for her water bottle.

     She shut her eyes as she smiled, thanking the Lords for the delicious water as it soothed her crusty lips, dry tongue, and desert of a throat. She got a little too excited and downed too much water at once, briefly gagging. "Oh my Lords!" Clearing her throat and recovering, she sipped a second time, more cautiously.

     Her grandfather chuckled a bit, raising and wagging a wrinkled finger at her. "No, Hyram. It is not "oh my lords", rather-Oh. My. Lords!"

     "Oh, okay!" Hyram closed her eyes as she smiled to stop the low hanging sun from entering her eyes.

     "Your UD Power, Danger Sense- is simple, but strong and practical, Hyram. It is a culmination of all our family's abilities. And to use it effectively... you must be like a leaf."

     "Be like a leaf?" Hyram furrowed her brow.

     "Yes, be as light as possible. Your Power allows your body to move without your intention, but you must make sure your body is always fit to move." He thought for a second. "You're a little skinny." He chuckled a bit.

     "But grandpa! That means I am light!" She puffed her cheeks a bit.

     "True, but you must be properly framed in your movements as well as light."


     "Yes, framed."

     "Throwing your leg forward is not a kick. You must make the proper movements. Go into your stance."

     "Combat ready!" She bounced a bit as she put her right foot back and her left foot forward, both fists extended in front of her.

     "No bouncing."


     "Raise your fists a bit, like so. Otherwise your Power will have to waste a moment adjusting them. In any battle, from wars to street fights every moment is precious."


     "And raise your backheel a bit. It'll make firing off a kick or going into a run easier."


     "Relax your shoulders, too much stiffness. And open your hands a bit. Don't be so tense."

     "Uh huh!"

     It went on like that for quite awhile until she was once again able to practice her kicks, punches, and flips. She wondered what kind of crazy fights her grandfather had gotten into during his youth.

     "In the distress of a true fight, what do you think you should be focusing on, Hyram?"

     "Victory! Forward, always!" She pumped her fists with as much energy she could muster after her exhaustive exercise. "That's my way!"

     "Ever adamant, my granddaughter." He smiled. "But beware, that you don't take the wrong path when there's a fork in the road."

     "Wrong path?" Hyram moved her lips up in a confused pout.

     "There are many paths one can take in this world of Ultra Deviance, as played out as that might sound." Her grandfather looked up to the sky, his smile becoming smaller. "Sometimes the path chosen is the wrong one, and sometimes it seems that going forward is your only choice-but in that moment, you must take some time and... evaluate. Meditate. On if the path you're on is truly just, truly righteous in the eyes of the Lords and men." He laughed when he saw what must've been her confusion painted all over her face. "Am I making any sense?"

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