St. Priscilla's #10.d - MC Dennis

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Battle For the Coupon Aftermath

(Part 4-Final)

Too many different kind of people. Why couldn't everyone just be the same? That was all MC thought as his head hit the desk and he slept through the class, only being awoken by someone shaking him awake.

"Don't...fuckin' touch me." He mumbled.

"Buddy, come on." He recognized Jethro's voice instantly.

"Don' me 'buddy'."

"Oy, shiteface! Wake the fook up! Carrot Top!"

"That's it!" MC was wide awake as he lunged in the direction of Catri's voice, only to find her holding a knife-like splinter likely from the desk to his neck with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Hit a nerve, did I? Hurts, donnit? Bein' at the mercy of a little shitester like me self?"

Schooled by two girls today. What the hell?!

"Catri, let him go." Jethro sighed.

"Just this once." Catri cackled, as she let the wood splinter drop to the ground with a clatter. "Maybe next time I'll nick ya."

"Who's Nick?" MC asked.

"Oh fook off, you're so bloody stupid it's not even fun."

"Fuck you say to me?"

"GUYS!" A burst from Hyram got them all to look at her. Once she realized that she all had their attention, her eyes widened and she fumbled with her words for a bit, as if surprised that that had actually worked.

"...s-stop." Was all she could muster.

She's got eyes like a pup.

"...we're the St. Priscilla's Gang now...we can't fight. Right?" She smiled weakly.

"Yeah...Hyram, you're right." Jethro nodded. "Everyone agree?"

A series of nods and grunts proceeded from all of them.

"I didn't agree to that name..." MC muttered.

"Great. No one asked you." Scottie coughed, perhaps intentionally.

"Cuz you were sleeping!" Jenny stuck her tongue out.

"So why're we just standing around with our dicks hanging out?" MC ruffled his hair so his ginger bangs fell over his eyes.

"No swearing." Hyram pouted.

"The Headmaster told us that we had to keep an eye on you, remember?" Jethro gave a smirk.

"Oh c'mon, it's not like I'm the only one with issues here."

"Oy, what's that supposed to mean, ya wanker?" Catri crossed her arms.

"Forget it, let's go. What class is next?"

"Oh!" Hyram smiled. "It's-"

"I don't actually care." MC brushed past her and walked into the hallway.

"Hey!" Jethro called after him.


"Hello, squirt." Another voice down the hall said, getting closer. He turned to see Ickity walking towards him. Fuck was it now?

The scarred woman turned to the other members of their little gang and motioned for them to move along. Scottie shook her head, Jenny stuck out her tongue, Catri smirked; Hyram frowned and Jethro moved forward to protest, but Scottie stopped him. They slowly began to move away.

"We'll wait up for you, man." Jethro grinned.

"You better." MC gave his most shit-eating grin back before the he and the rest turned away.

Ickity put one hand on the wall behind him and leaned awfully close to him. She reeked of cigarettes. Fucking putrid. She lowered her head a bit to look at him. Such contempt in her eyes. Where the hell was this going?

"MC. Did I ever tell you about my...Power?"


She gave a humourless chuckle. Somehow her breath was even worse than her general odour. Reminded him of his dad's breath after the funeral. Gods, was she fucking drunk?

"It's pretty special. It's unique to my family. Ickity bloodline specialty. I'll tell I have a big family. And they're everywhere. Seriously. A brother usually, or a sister. Usually one those two. I keep running into them. No matter what, I just keep fucking running into family. A brother and sister in every dimension they said. That's what they fucking said...point is!" She tightly clasped his shoulder. He didn't like where this was going. Not one bit.

"These...Ickity siblings, icky siblings, heh-these fucking fuckers come and try to kill-ME. Seriously! They did. They still do. Ever since I was little. I'd be so happy! Like shit, I'd found a fucking family! Alas, the night came, and it always came. Yup. That's when they'd strike...a knife in the back during a hug? Poison in my midnight snack? Bomb in my teddy bear? Drugged gummy bears to save me for later...all the classics. I seen em all as a kid, kiddo. Eventually, through survival, tenacity, and a little luck. I learned. Adapted. Adjusted. Hated. I grew to hate my family." She snapped in his face repeatedly.

"Stop..." He pleaded weakly.

"Just like that. And y'know what? I started to kill them Ickity bitches right back...and I savoured the kills. Every last one of them. I liked it. it. Because I figured it all out. Deductive reasoning." She gave a toothy grin and squinted at him, tapping her skull.

"Perception, changes everything. Clarity. When I killed them sons and bitches of bitches, I knew why they tried so hard to kill me. With each killi racked up, the picture became a little clearer. This was my-our, collective Power."


"One Ickity is drawn to another. That's just the way the Multiverse works. We are compelled to kill each other. Each time one is killed, the paths of the others cross evermore, each Ickity growing stronger, smarter, faster, more experienced. Eventually, there'll only be one. And then there will finally be peace. Finally, relaxation. Be able to fucking live...that's my Power, Dennis. That one day, I'll be the last Ickity still standing."

"You' fucking insane. How...did you get a job as an educator?" He practically spat the last part of his sentence at her. He didn't give a shit at this point. He was more surprised that he'd heard the word "educator" come out of his mouth. Big words. Chuck Roberson, eat your heart out.

She smiled and leaned her head over to his ear. The sensation of her voice in his ear made it heat up, must've been the smoke or the booze.

"This is part of my probation. The last sibling I killed was a little one. They're watching me like how I'm watching you. Guess we're in the same boat, huh Dennis?" She snickered as she pulled her head away.

"It'll be our little secret." She put a finger to her lips. While she didn't say anything, he knew that this was for his ears only, and that she'd probably fuck with him in a big way if he didn't. He just hoped it wasn't the sexual kind, not because he found her unattractive, but because of the smell of cigs and booze just made him think of home. A place he preferred to think of least as possible.

"No...I'm jumping ship." MC tried to move away, she lowered her arm to block him.

"Class is thataway, carrot top." She motioned with her head.

"...F-" He closed his mouth tightly, pressing his teeth together. She wasn't worth it. Not here, not now. Maybe not ever. He pitied her. What a shitty Power, so much investment for so little gain. He could kill people without even needing too, unlike her. He had options. Her life was at its end, his was just getting started. What kinda fucked world was this where a punk like him had more choice than a grown ass woman?

He gave her a silent nod, avoiding her gaze, and walked away. She spanked his ass in response as a polite gesture to move faster.

"Keep on moving on, Dennis." She kept close to him.

Crazy bitch.


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