St. Priscilla's #9-Hyram Creeks

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Battle for the Coupon

"Let him go...please."

Hyram failed to hide how utterly unfriendly she sounded. And for once...she didn't mind.

"She is your girlfriend!" The tan-skinned bully laughed, looking around as if anyone in the crowd were going to laugh with him. He didn't seem to mind when no one did.

"The hell's your problem?" The ginger boy who had led her there spat.

"What's my problem? What's the world's?" He gave a grim expression.

Before bursting out laughing again.

"Nah, I'm fucking with you. I got you though, didn't I?" He motioned to them using Jethro as he held him in his arm. "I'll tell you the truth."

"I was sent here due to several blossoming personality disorders. Apparently, I have a problem with people. I can be nothing but antagonistic." He chuckled.

"And that bitch said I was gonna be a problem," The ginger boy shook his head. "It's only the first week! And we already got fuckin' bullies."

"Shit your that white trash kid, right? Mama raise you in a trailer, boy?" He laughed obnoxiously in his mocking accent.

"What...the fuck...did you just say to me?"

"You're a meanie!" Hyram gave voice to her thoughts. "You're a bully, and you hurt my friends! Jethro with your fists, and this poor ginger boy with your words!"

"Who the fuck said I was poor?!"

"Sorry, ginger boy!"

"My name is MC Dennis!"

The bully laughed. "Fuckin' Dennis?!"

"Let go of him already! Please!" Hyram was getting worried she'd have to use her UD Power.

"How about you, sweetie?"

"My name's Hyram! Please let Jethro go!" She felt like they were going in circles.

"Hyram? That's a guy's name!" He laughed before continuing. "I'm Anasteseus. Anasteseus Arena."

"The fuck kinda name is that?"

"It's Sunny Praggatigi in origin you inbred white trash dumbass." He chuckled. "Do you even know where Praggatigo is? Do you know what it is?"

"Yeah! I'm not a fuckin' idiot. That's where tacos come from."

"Wow...I am stunned. You're not just fucking stupid. You're also fuckin' bigoted. Man, you're hilarious! Here's your prize."

Hyram felt all the hairs on her body stand up as Anasteseus skillfully threw Jethro at MC, sending the two boys flying before they both disappeared in a puff of pink mist and then reappeared on the ground groaning as Jenny stood triumphantly over them.

"Woah, nice catch Jenny!"

"I dunno what's going on, but thanks Hyram!" Hyram smiled as she actually said her name.

"Is "School Bully" on the scavenger hunt list?!" Hyram exclaimed as she pointed at Anasteseus, who smugly smirked in response. "Cuz I found one!"

Jenny giggled. "Yeah actually, it's a bonus point if you defeat him!"

Anasteseus chuckled, it seemed to be his favourite function. "You caught me, first years. I am indeed the resident School Bully. I've been held back so many years that they just decided to make me an obstacle to surpass in the yearly scavenger hunt. Not that I'm complaining, I love putting little shits in their shitty places." He tauntingly motioned towards Hyram.

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