St. Priscilla's #8- Hyram Creeks (The protagonist you deserve)

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Physical Assessment or "Showtime!"

"Slow down, Here-I-Am, you're too fast for the rest of your classmates." Ickity blew her silver whistle. "Everybody back in line! From the top!"

"Sorry." Hyram rubbed the back of her head.

"So damn modest too. Who knows, maybe you're one of the few here who'll actually make a halfway decent Power Operator." Ickity tugged on the collar of the black track jacket she was wearing.

Hyram blushed a bit, smiling. "That's really nice of you to say, Ms. I-"

"Or maybe you're just a kissass. Even if you're genuine, you're gonna learn quick Here-I-Am, the world-does not care." Ickity blew her whistle into Hyram's ear as she walked by. "Back in line, includes you!"

Shaking her head whilst keeping her cheerful attitude, Hyram jogged back to the starting line of the oval track with the other students in her homeroom, who were giving her looks of all kinds.

Amongst the crowd of new faces she found Jethro, who was engaged in conversation with Notelmo and the redheaded boy from the other day. She smiled and attempted to get a place in line beside them, but was blocked by a tall Asian girl with a dyed blonde tuft of hair in the middle of her head that formed short bangs in sharp contrast to her otherwise long black hair that even when tied into a ponytail, seemed to reach her butt. She wore a grey pullover hoodie with black track pants that had white stripes. Interestingly she didn't seem prepared to run at all, wearing flip flops with thin white socks.

Hyram had to look up see her face. "Excuse me." When Hyram tried to move past her, the girl put her hands on Hyram's shoulders, looking at her now, Hyram recognized her as the Aesaian girl making jokes at Headmaster Taylor's expense during the opening assembly. The girl's brown eyes squinted at her while she smirked.

"Here-I-Am, right? You're fast, is that your U.D power?"

"My name's Here-em, it's a common name...but nope, I'm not a speedster."

"Oh, okay-Well, I'm Jenny. Common name too. I bet I can beat you."

"Oh?" Hyram perked up. " Are you a speedster? I've never met one be-"

"Nope. Get in line and I'll show you."

When Ickity blew her whistle for the second time, Hyram burst into a sprint-she turned to see Jenny-only to see she wasn't.

Only her flip flops remained. "Where'd she-"

"Here I am, Here-I-Am!" Jenny was somehow at the end of the line already, her hair frizzled and wild like she had just used a hair dryer.

Hyram slowed down at the end of the line and wiped the sweat from her brow, the noise of her classmates catching up behind her.


"See? I told you."

"But how? Are you a teleporter?"


"Oh my Lords-you have to tell me. I love learning about other people's U.D powers!" She happily exclaimed, jumping up and down before settling for raising her heels up.

"Calm your boney ass. Here-I-Am!" Ickity stood between them, and Hyram became flustered.

"All right, now that we established that with the exception of Here-I-Am, here, ya'll can't run for shit-Let's get to the fun part. Fun for me, anyway. Split into pairs. Now!" Iclith blew her whistle.

Hyram looked to Jethro again, only to be blocked Jenny.

"Wanna team up?" Jenny flashed her a smile and grabbed her hands. "Woah, your hands are like really soft."

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