St. Priscilla's #10.a-MC Dennis

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Battle For the Coupon Aftermath
(Part 1)

"Fook mate, ya think bullies here are bad? The ones where I'm from would fookin'...devour your arses."

"Where's that? Baker Island, Watshire?"

"No, ya little git! Its-fookin' what mate? It is! How'd you know?" Catri sat up on her knees, excited. She was now the same height as trenchcoat girl in the seat beside her.

"I'm "cultured"." She shrugged, retreating into her scarf and coat like a turtle would its shell, and adjusting her checkered skirt.

MC tuned out the rest of their annoying conversation and blew hot air out of his mouth, before turning beside him to see Jethro, who was rubbing the back of his neck and laying his head against the wall, seemingly doing his best not to move too much. Probably from the bruises. MC had been in his fair share of fights throughout his short life in the pseudo-trailer park his family's house was located in, he knew the feeling, he had typically fought off scavengers and half-conscious drunks however, which was a little different from getting the shit kicked out of you by an invincible taco-breather.

MC shook his head at the memory of Anasteseus calling him "bigoted", which he knew was like being racist, which he wasn't. Obviously. He thought Jethro was a cool dude, after all. Who cared if his people like to hump camels as his pa-Buck-had told him? Pa...

MC clenched his fist. Stupid Buck. He was spending too much time thinking, sitting here and wasting away. Such bull. It was Hyram's call, why did they all have to waste their time sitting outside the Headmaster's office too? He looked over to see the tall Chang'harese girl with her legs crossed on her seat, her flip flops on her hands rather than her feet, as she clapped them together like that stupid toy monkey with the cymbals. Her narrow eyes closed in amusement. Weirdo. Though she seemed to be just as bored as he was.

"Yo." MC snapped his head to see a girl clad in white, a tight white hood with a scarf covering most of her head except the bridge of her nose and eyes, that bore piercing red eyes. Her skin was tan from what he could see of her face. The rest of her heavily layered outfit seemed like a snowsuit of sorts.

"What the hell are you? Snow-woman? Giant marshmallow?" MC raised an amused ginger eyebrow. He did recognize her as one of those ice-dome people he saw in a history textbook, but couldn't help but poke fun.

"Not you, dummy." She walked past him and sharply poked Jethro in the shoulder, he must've dozed off as his head snapped up and his hand grasped his shoulder in surprise and pain.


"Here's an ice pack, Jethro." The giant marshmallow said with a somewhat agitated voice. "For your bruises, dummy." Not being able to see on account of the swelling, she gently took his hand and opened his palm, before letting the bag of ice plop into his hand. His hand tensed and lowered a bit as he grabbed it, it was heavy. She must've been using the bricks of her ice-dome.

"Thanks, Ice Queen." He gave a weak chuckle. "I thought you didn't wanna see me again?"

"My name is Evrenayyirah Yoninah, dummy." She flicked a bruise on his forehead. Jethro gritted his teeth and pressed the bag of ice to his head.

" can call me-Evie." She lowered her scarf and stuck her tongue out at him even though Jethro couldn't see it. What a cold bitch.

"What happened to Evren?"

"Shut up, dummy. I was just trying to be cool."

"I uh, think you got the "cool" part covered."


"Jethro Ganem." Ickity's raspy voice cut off whatever little scene they were having."We'll see you next." For some reason, this was the first time MC was happy to see her being a bitch. He just really didn't like the giant marshmallow.

There was an awkward pause before she realized that his eyes were so swollen he couldn't see five feet in front of him, and grabbed his shoulder to help him into the office, as they passed him she intentionally stepped on MC's shoe with her boot.

"Hang in there, MC-I'm saving you for last." She smirked at him.

Fuck you. Is what he would've said had this been any other point in his life. He pressed his lips together and crossed his arms.

"C'mon, Jethro, you're girlfriend's getting antsy in there." Ickity chuckled, looking back to Evie as she lightly shoved him into the office.

"She's not my-" Is all that could be heard from Jethro before the door slammed shut. MC immediately turned to Evie. The look on her face, was to die for as she clenched her fists at her sides.

"I know what you're doing, marshmallow." He said in her general direction, shaking his head.

Her forehead visibly creased beneath her hood as she pulled up the scarf to cover her lower face again. "Dummy. You don't know shit."

"Stay away from my bro, Jeff, ice-dome girl." He closed his left eye and with his right hand pointed his index and middle finger right between her eyes, raising his thumb back. He imitated the sound of a gun cocking and firing at her in slow motion, smirking. "Or else."

"I..holy shit...whatever. Keep him." She stormed off, her footsteps audible as they rapidly descended down a hall and a nearby staircase. MC sat back satisfied in the wooden chair, it creaked as his weight shifted.

"Fook's goin' on, MC? Feelin' a tad clingy, now are we?" Catri giggled.

"Can it, shorty. I'm not in the mood."

"Oooooh, is poor MC jelly?"


"Shut up. And who even are you?"

"Haven't you heard of me?"

"Uh, no. That's why I'm asking. Obviously."

"I'm not surprised, you're rather uninformed. Obviously."

"Obviously...I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut the fuck up."

"Please do, but it won't bring your mother back."


"Mason Craig Dennis. Mother-Macey Dennis. Deceased. Father-Buck Dennis. Alive. Uncle-Buford Dennis. Alive...somehow. Address-31 March Street, Oldtown, UL 1989, Lot 201. I know who you are, Shooter."

"Who...the fuck...are you?" MC hissed at her. She didn't flinch, her face still hidden by her hat and scarf.

"I'm Scottie Houseleeks. Media outlets call me Leak, because everything I dig up...gets out eventually."

"What are you, some kinda-Ultra Detective? Is your UD Power being a snoopy bitch?" He struggled not to scream the words as his fingers twitched.

"I like to know who-" She paused to cough into her coat. "-I'm going to school with, call me paranoid. For your information, it wasn't too hard to find your records from your old school, their head of cybersecurity is an idiot. The amount of evidence you left behind honestly shakes me, I've seen addicts who cover their tracks better-"

"What do you want?

"Don't. Threaten. Me. Again. And play nice. "Marshmallow", "ice-dome girl"? Seriously? Grow up. She's a Winter Nomad, or Wintoma, but whatever. Idiots like you don't realize the concept of race is a cultural construct  to justify hate crimes to make racists feel good at night and not a legit thing, obviously."


"In summary; you're stupid." She pulled her bare kees up to her chest, keeping her legs together due to her kilt.

Absolutely dumbfounded, MC indignantly gave her a look.

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