St. Priscilla's #5- Everyone (You Probably Like)

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Welcome To Your New Home

Jethro and Hyram followed the grey-suited woman through a set of old wooden double doors into the packed hall.

While the woman disappeared into the crowd, their eyes were overwhelmed with the sight of so many students clamouring together. Whereas in their previous schools you couldn't tell most of the kids apart from another, at St. Priscilla's-every child stood out in some way. The sheer visual stimulation caused Hyram to be reminded of  a quote she had read in a textbook in her previous school when learning about her powers for the first time.

"Ultra Deviants come in many shapes, forms, and sizes, and all are equal parts powerful and beautiful." She put her hands on her cheeks, not sure where to look.

"Where'd you hear that?" Jethro laughed at how corny her line sounded when combined with her soft voice.

"Oh...just some old book."

Due to the halls high ceiling, the students who got the best view were hovering, or flying around with their wings, playing pranks and lifting their buddies to give them a better view-others used their additional appendages to hang from the rickety chandeliers. Some stuck to the walls, while others projected floating platforms or manipulated parts of the wall to make more seats for their friends. It was an unnecessary demonstration sure, but it allowed them to see what kind of level they were on when compared to the rest of the student body.

At the far end of the other side of the room, a large but temporary black stage was placed. A white wood podium sat in the middle of the stage, several microphones on top. The logo of St. Priscilla's lay in the middle of the podium, but it was too scratched off to make out the picture.

The woman in the grey suit stood behind the podium and started testing the microphones, appearing to bark orders at several of the backstage crew on a walkie talkie.

"Jethro, let's sit there!" Hyram despite being right beside him had to raise her voice due to her the rising noise level.

"What?!" Jethro yelled back at her.

Hyram, in response took his left hand into hers and guided him through a crowded aisle of students. He was careful to not step on any of what he interpreted to be limbs on some of them, while apologizing profusely.

They finally found the seats Hyram was referring to and wedged themselves between a giant kid whose skin was covered in white scales-like a lizard, and a small black furball, that was the same height as a toddler, but had no discernable limbs. Hyram surprisingly enough, gave Jethro the seat beside the furball, which had much more room than the seat beside the scaly guy, whose left arm took up both armrests. They were sitting in the second aisle from the back and very close to the wall, getting only a slanted, partial view of the stage.

The lizard kid turned to both of them, their eyes a piercing yellow, complete with black slits for pupils. Their elongated snout made Jethro think more of a dragon than a mere lizard.

"Sup." The dragon kid's voice was surprisingly loud enough to be heard over the crowd. Their forked tongue slithered out of their mouth, briefly.

"Hi!" Hyram shouted back.

The woman in the grey suit began speaking into the microphones after loud feedback quieted most of the student body. She cleared her throat before beginning, her voice raspy still, but noticeably subdued.

"Okay, okay, settle the fuck down! Now listen, I know that not all of you are hyped to be here, hell I ain't so happy 'bout my transfer-but that's besides the point. Half of you are losers that didn't make it into the big league, and the other half of y'all were marked as trash and dumped into the streets, left to fend for yourselves like a bunch of animals or some sick shit like that. The rest of y'all rejects are somewhere in-between, I don't give a sh!t to be honest. Let's make the best of this...whatever this is. My name's Ida Ickity in case you didn't already know, call me 'Ms' or 'ma'am', and nothing else and we should be fine. And now some words from your headmaster...Ser Adelaide Taylor."

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