St. Priscilla's #10.b - Jenny

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Battle for the Coupon Aftermath
(Part 2)

Clap. Clap. Clap.

While she continued the motion of slapping her flip flops together, her mind was somewhere else.

"Wu Jing!" She stopped stirring her cereal and looked around before finding her mother to the right of her in the hallway leading to the kitchen, wearing an white lab coat and a black blouse. She was tapping away on a datapad, the light blue of the screen reflecting off her clothes and face. Her grey-black hair was held in tight bun, her face stern. While the woman was only half her height, Jenny was still intimidated by her.

"Jenny, mom." She bit the inside of her cheek a bit.

Her mother narrowed her eyes at something on the datapad, before dismissing it with a swipe of her hand. "Your name is the one we gave you, Wu Jing. This "Jenny"...this name is not Chang'harese. I do not know "Jenny", she is not my daughter. Wu Jing is."

Jenny groaned in a wordless counter to her mother. She lowered her head to the table, her forehead rubbing against her left forearm.

"Ugh-I want to die."

"Don't be childish. You have too much of your aunt in you." Her mother walked into the kitchen, and took her cereal bowl, depositing it into the sink before taking the seat at the table across from her, still typing away on the datapad.

"She's cool! You say that like it's a bad thing. She is your sister." Jenny lifted her head, defending her absent aunt.

"Was, my sister. If you insist on speaking this language, speak it well." Her mother scoffed at either her, or something on the datapad, shaking her head.

Jenny sighed. That's not what she meant. But it would be pointless to argue the point. She'd tried many times before.

"I wanted to discuss your...decision." Her mother glanced up from the datapad and narrowed her eyes at her. "St. Priscilla's? Really?"

Jenny through her arms up in a defensive shrug. "It's where Rioux's going..."

"Oh, yes 'Rioux'." Her mother said the name with audible disdain.

"She's my best friend, mom."

"I worry about your choice of friends." Her mother sighed.


"You meet this Rioux, and you put chemicals in your hair to look like-a honey badger. You wear dark clothes, and you're never home. You stay out late, and come back in the middle of the night, she is a bad influence, I think."


"Now you write that you're transferring to St. Priscilla's Home for the Lost? What am I to think? You mean to insult us? Your family? Shame us? Or are you asking for attention? Well, you have it, Wu Jing. I'm very concerned."


"What will your father say? Your grandfather, when I tell them?"


"I'm very disappointed, Wu Jing."

"Just gimme a damn minute!" Jenny slammed her fist down on the table and held her breath.

"W-" Her mother didn't get to finish before everything shifted, the world turned dark, all in a single moment, she was alone, safe, and had time to think. She liked her power for this reason. Pink mist surrounded her as she floated in the abyss, she looked down to her clenched fist, it was scaly and the darkest of purples, her nails sharper than the knives in the kitchen. Her long glowing green hair draped down her shoulders and moved as if she were submerged in water.

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