St. Priscilla's #7- Jethro Ganem

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Forced to be Dreaming of Things to Come

After a long day of strong emotional investment, Jethro found it remarkably easy to plump down face first into the dusty bed closest to the door of the four in the room, an audible creaking . His luggage had already been placed into the centre of the dorm room, as Ms. Ickity had said they would.

He decided to unpack tomorrow. His head fell through the pillow as he faced darkness. Then he found himself walking in the void. Something was wrong. He was awake in the dream. Yet still asleep.

There was a distant yellow light that seemed to slowly creep closer to him, Jethro wasn't sure if he should towards it or away. Paralyzed by his indecisiveness, he let the light come closer to him. He could see now that at at center, was a man-no a boy. He felt he recognized him, but he was too far away and fuzzy.

The boy reached out, and Jethro was pulled towards the light, stopping just in front of the boy. His face was clear now, Jethro did know him. The bug eyed face and the bowtie gave him away.


He didn't answer. He simply examined Jethro, and began pacing around him in a circle. Jethro opened his mouth again to speak, but Notelmo interrupted him by abruptly grabbing the back of his head.

Jethro blinked, and found they were no longer in an abstract plane, but in a city. Their city, Ultropia, but it was day, and Jethro didn't recognize this part of the city. Notelmo released his hand from the back of his head, walking in front of him to face him.

"Where am I? Where are we?"

"Seems to be a memory...or at least, a fuzzy dream of one."


"I'm...sorry. I think."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"Nevermind, it's no big deal."

"Notelmo-dude, you grabbed me and brought me to It's a big deal."

Notelmo blinked, before registering what Jethro wanted from him. "I seem to have brought you here. I didn't mean to. Well, that's not true-I just didn't know if it would work. It did, obviously."


"Don't know. Maybe cuz you weren't already dreaming. And you have the sight. Or a type of sight."

"That's my...U.D Power-but that doesn't make any sense. I can only see structural flaws, weaknesses or damages-imperfections-none of this dream stuff."

"Must be me then." Notelmo turned around and began walking at a brisk pace.

Jethro hurried after him. "What do you mean it's you? And where are you going?"

"Exploring. My U.D Power is mind-related-psychic, as I showed you and your friends at dinner. But I never exactly knew it's limits. I can put things in people's heads, like my name-or look at what they've put in their own-I guess this also means dreams."

"But you said I wasn't dreaming."

"I guess that's why I could take you." He pushed up his glasses.

"Did you see anybody else's dreams?"


Jethro rolled his eyes when he didn't elaborate. "Who's?."

Notelmo sighed before answering. "Why do you care?"

"I'm curious..."

Notelmo didn't respond and kept walking, eyes forward.

"Okay, don't tell me then."

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