St. Priscilla's #8.5 - Now For Something Completely Different and Irrelevant

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The Flood Villain, Limpid
(Not What You Think)

"Yes, I am his girlfriend! And I'm proud to say it! You big buffoon! Give my Jethro back to me. You bully, monster, fiend!"

"Never!" The villain laughed evilly, giving the battered and bloodied Jethro a noogie that messed up the perfect muffin shape his black hair had been styled into, his hand slowly turning into a blob of sentient clear water and entering his mouth,  nostrils, and ears, Jethro struggled vainly. His legs kicked at the villain's side, but mostly the air as the villain was at least twice his height, his glistening brown abs unaffected by the impact of a boy who had recently turned eleven.

The villain laughed maniacally, thrashing his head back and flipping back his long silver hair which ended past his shoulders. It contrasted greatly against his exposed dark brown skin, the only clothes he wore being form fitting white leather pants and ankle high black boots. That couldn't have been practical, but she figured practicality didn't matter when you could turn into water. But she didn't have time to ponder on his outfit, she needed to stop this brown pretty boy from killing her brown pretty boy. She ran forward to stop him before his watery hand extended and slammed Jethro into her, causing them both to fall.

She took the brief second they had clashed together to kiss him through the water bubble, trying to give him some oxygen as well as trying to look absolutely adorable in front of the cheering crowd. It was only a second before he pulled him away, but it could have been an eternity for all she knew at the time. She glared at the shirtless thug.

"Leave my boyfriend's orifices alone!"

"Y'know what?" He stopped laughing, but continued smiling at her psychotically. "I will give him back. I'll give him back when he stops breathing. When his vision goes all blurry. When he's experienced life as a damn fish. Just like I have. When he's nothing but a bloated corpse...and by the look of it, it's gonna happen soon!" He began laughing again.

"Dude, I didn't ask for your backstory...but thanks for rambling on."

He raised his perfectly formed black eyebrows in amusement. "Oh? And why's that?"

"It gave him enough time to set up!" She pointed behind the villain.

"Who-" The moment he turned around, she ran straight towards him and uppercutted him with enough force that he was flung into the air after releasing Jethro, doing several spins into the air before crashing into the ground, or at least that's what would've happened had a geyser of water not suddenly erupted out of the ground to break his fall, he controlled the water to gradually slow his descent and he gracefully landed on his feet, fixing his jaw as the geyser stopped and fell around him in a shower.

"Thanks, Prairie." Jethro weakly wheezed, as he sat up.

"You're welcome, now take a hot minute to rest with your massive hotness." Prairie cracked her knuckles as the white-haired pretty boy in front of the geyser cracked his jaw back into place. He was not smiling anymore. He was furious.

"That was a dirty trick for an aspiring Power Operator. I did not survive a lifetime of trying to be drowned by abusive family members to be beaten by two brats still in-training!"

"Dude, what's your deal?" Prairie flipped back her neon pink hair and began hovering above the ground.

"My deal? My deal?! My deal is that I am the Flood Villain, Limpid! All will know my name and despair!" He rose his hands up as the ground around them shook, the his eyes pure white as his rage was given form in the geysers that were no doubt about to burst out of the ground.

Before she could move, she found herself caught in a massive yawn.

Limpid stopped his attack, his eyes no longer pure white. "Was that a yawn?!" The crowd around them gasped, all eyes turned to Prairie.

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