St. Priscilla's #3- Catrina "Catri" Victoria

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The Girl From Watshire

Catri did her best to stand on her seat, despite her hands being chained to a whole group of other girls on the bus.

"Driver! Driver! Can ya pull over, pretty please? I need to piss! I'm gonna start pissing everywhere if ya don't stop the damn bus!" She shook the cuffs on her hands for for emphasis, in case they couldn't hear her due to being at the mid-section of the bus.

"Sit your pale ass down girl." One of the guards, a black man with a scruffy beard and an afro compressed partially by his hat, got up from his seat and raised his open palm to her. "We're almost there, just hold it, okay?" He then crossed his arms, waiting for her to sit back down.

"Ya lying, ain't ya? To keep me quiet? That's the reason, init? I won't be oppressed by the likes of you guv'! I'll stand right 'ere, clenching me arse until ya let me piss!" Catri moved her head back to push her glasses since her arms were bound. The guard rolled his eyes. A couple of the other girls shouted as well.

"Let her piss!"

"Yay, pissgirl!"

"You're not my mommy! You can't tell us what to do!"

"I don't care no more, I'll-I'll piss in a cup! Care for a cuppa? Hell, c'mere, I'll raise me leg and piss down ya throat! Please, I can't hold it no more..." Many of the other girls laughed and chuckled, poking fun. The guard shook his head, and began to move towards her.

Catri felt a tug on her chain, when she tried to resist it, it pulled her down to her seat. "Ow, me arse-"

"Shut up, shorty." The voice belonged to the girl chained behind her, but was harsh and raspy.

"What's it to ya? And why ya pullin' me chain? I was bout to start a riot." Catri turned and sat on her knees to see who she was dealing with due to her short stature. The it was a muscular ebony skinned girl, with a pink bandanna and long white dreadlocks. Even though she was sitting, Catri could tell she towered over her.

"Why do yous talk like that? Can't yous speak common tongue? And my motivation for pulling yous was so I could continue this ride in something akin to quiet, perhaps take a nap." Catri's eyes widened behind her glasses as she immediately took notice to the girl's razor sharp teeth.

"T-Talk like what? I'm speaking the same damn language as "yous". It's you that's sounds funny." Catri vainly struggled with her cuffs.

"Bitch, whatever you're speaking must be some kind of dialect I am unfamiliar with. I mean that. Sincerely. Your stance of accusing me of sounding "fuh-ney" I take special offense to, as I'll have yous know I am quite scholarly. Contrary to appearances." She scowled, revealing all her teeth for emphasis.

"Well, your appearance is fookin' terrifyin', init? It's the teeth that does it. Name's Catri, by the way, Catri Victoria. Happy as hell to make your acquaintance." She attempted to raise her hand only to feel the resistance of the cuffs and sound of the linked chains grinding. She sighed.

"Much obliged, Catri. Yous can call me what everybody else does, Razara."

"Hah, it fits, donnit?" Catri snorted.

"Could yous enlighten me as to which settlement your accent originates from? I lust for any knowledge. Sincerely." Razara cracked her neck from side to side.

"I'm from Baker Island, Watshire, ya ever hear of it? I used to go to a preppy, snobby all-girls school too, that's why I gots the dandy uniform. I'm not a curious thing there, I'm normal. Normal as can be." Catri blew air out of her cheeks as quickly as she filled them.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say yous was imagining things up from limbo. But yous speak of this "Baker Island, Watshire"- Sincerely. So I am privy to the same beliefs. It must be from across the sea, which I have not yet bore witness to. How convenient that a new spring of knowledge would sit in front of me, you would think this destiny." Razara looked out the window, into the dark woods that became a blur as they passed them.

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