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"Malika there's a new girl joining the squad her name is Lexy." Coach tells me as I am stretching for practice.

"Alright no problem coach." I say before he walks away.

"Don have you met the new girl?"

"Yeah she seems a lil bitch so I got my eye on shawty. Oh look here she comes."

I look up to see this girl walking towards us.

I stand up to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Malika. I'm one of the other captains on this team."

"Interesting and my name is Lexy."

Well what the fuck was interesting?

"What's interesting?" I asked.

"Oh nothing."  She says with this fake little laugh.

"Oh Ight. Well we're about to start practice so you should stretch out."

"D you not wrong I get a lil bitch vibe from her too. We'll see how this plays out. Sis might need to be checked."

"I know. I'm trynna figure out am I gonna have to check her or will it be you."

I just laugh at what she said.

"Alright guys were going to go over some routines. Lexy you could just watch until you catch on and then we'll find you a spot to dance."

I run through the routine a couple times so she could catch on. She eventually catches on and I stop dancing so I can see where to place her. After I place her we go through the routine again.

"Lexy you wanna tell us why you're half assing he routine?" Donyea ask.

"I think it's wack."

No this bitch didn't.

"Um you know coach came up with that right?"

"Oh I thought it was one of you two."

"I don't know what your problem is but you need to bring it down 10 notches because you just got on the team and can easily leave the team." I said getting frustrated with this girl.


"It wasn't a question that requires an answer. It was a statement so we don't need your response. Just play your role on the team." Donyea adds on.

"Oohhhhh." A bunch of the team says because they rarely see Donyea have an attitude.

"We're gonna take 10 and regroup." I say walking over to my bag.

I FaceTime Lonzo to try to help me calm down because this girl was trying my patience.

"What's up baby?"

"Why is some new girl trying me?"

"What happened babe?"

"So when she came in I introduced myself and said I was one of captains she like interesting. So I'm like what's interesting? She did a little fake laugh. Then when we were doing the routine she's like it's wack. So D was like you know coach came up with that? Then she was like I thought it was one of you two. Babe she doesn't know me and the path she's going down isn't a good look for her. I will get her kicked off the team and beat up."

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