Chapter 13- Save Me

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Chapter 13


We drove around in the limo for a while, trying to decide where we wanted to go. Everywhere we went, there was a possibility of being found by the paparazzi, and we just wanted to escape all of that. After what I had told Harry, we just wanted something fun to do without being interrupted

We continued to drive until we drove into a dirtier part of the city. The limo didn't want to drive in because it was so shifty, but I was totally fine with it. I took Harry by the hand, climbed out of the shiny limo door and walked into the neighborhood. The limo driver said he would only be a block away from us, and we wouldn't phone when we were ready to leave. I was ready for an adventure.

There were no paparazzi, no screaming fans, nothing to bother us. That was the only plus.

The neighborhood itself was definately a dirtier project, but I was in no way scared. People looked at us walking down the road together, but I paid them no mind. Not even the barbed wire fences could scare me off at this point. The houses were worn down, the dull paint chipped off in large patches. Narrow alleyways lined the streets, and small businesses and houses formed a wall on either side of the road. Not too many people were outside, except for the odd straggler and kids.

There was a group of young teenagers at the cul-de-sac at the end of the road. They had a large, old fashioned stereo, and they were listening to some of Nicki Minaj's mixtapes. I happen to adore Nicki, and know every word of every song. I almost spazzed out when I saw such young fans. I'm sure that most kids in my area back home didn't even know what a mixtape is in the firstplace. They were using her mixtape "Beam Me Up Scotty" and they were listening to one of my favourite songs by Nicki in her whole career, Itty Bitty Piggy.

"Hey, turn that music up" I said, and they did. I began to rap every line and dance with the kids, while Harry looked like he was going to laugh at me. He could sing, I could rap. What a combination.

"Flyer than a kite, I get higher than Rapunzel, keep the Snow White I can buy it by the bundle". I was mad hype, putting everything into it, and the kids loved it. Harry was quite confused, but he looked to be amused at the same time as I added in Nic's hand movements.

After the song was over, the kids clapped and I courtesied. I thanked them, and the wanted me to stay, but I told them we had to keep moving along. We kept strolling around the neighborhood until things got shifty. I could see people lurking in the alleyways, bandanas tied around their faces. I listened to a lot of rap music, something that was shunned in a small country community, but I had enough sense to know what was going on. This was my only street sense. I began to feel that "fight or flight" instinct coming on, and I knew I would be useless in a fight.

"Harry" I whispered in his ear urgently. "Turn around slowly; we have to leave".

He squeezed my hand, and we began to walk away. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being followed.

I didn't look back, and I didn't have to. A group of people were standing on the sidewalk in front of us, blocking our way. We kept walking, not looking back.

When we finally reached the roadblock, I began to panic. What did they want with us?

"What are you doing 'round here? Never seen you here before" their leader said suspiciously.

"Sightseeing" I joked. They didn't laugh.

"Actually, we were just going for a walk and wound up here" Harry added keeping cool.

"Oh, a walk now. They were going for a 'walk' in Wisteria" the leader said, and all of the others in the group laughed. We were surrounded eight people to two. We were easily outnumbered.

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