Chapter 14- Catch Me

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Chapter 14


I walked out of Harry's room, but he wasn't in the living room. I thought I would take this time to talk to my mom on Facebook. I walked into the study and turned on the computer and the printer.

I had made my decision. I would take a flight tomorrow morning. I didn't want to cause anymore trouble. The boys' reputation was a lot more important than my happiness. They wouldn't even miss me.

I logged in, and saw that Mom had already sent me a message. Luckily she was still online.

"There are tons of flights available. What day were you were planning on leaving?" her message read.

It caused me physical pain to type my message back.

"A flight early tomorrow would be best" I wrote, my eyes hurting as I pressed the enter key. I waited for my mom to reply, and the little "Anne is typing" sign taunted me.

"There's a flight at five, how does that sound?" she asked.

"Sounds just perfect" I typed back, fresh tears dripping onto the keyboard


After mom sent me all of my flight information, I printed off the ticket and boarding info. I made sure I logged out of the computer before I left the room. I quickly stashed the ticket under Harry's pillow, then went back to the living room.

"The plans have changed" Harry said stiffly. "Paul told them what happened".

Great. Everybody now knew my major mistake. It wouldn't just be Harry who would be seeing me as the culprit.

"We're having dinner at a restaurant on 23rd Avenue, the rest of us are waiting there for us" he said emotionless.

"Harry" I said, almost crying again. "Please".

He walked over to me, and took me by the hand.

"I know, I know" he said sighing, and he saw the tears in my eyes.

"We have to go".

We both walked into the elevator and into the van without so much as a word. The silence was the thing that was killing me. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. Wasn't what we had worth fighting for? Or was I just easily replaced, just like Eleanor's tank top?

When we came to the restaurant, we were ushered out of the van. Harry very politely helped me out of the van and closed my door for me, but other than that we remained silent.

We were taken into a large private dining room where the group was already seated. The were chatting casually until we walked in. The conversation abruptly stopped, and suddenly all eyes were on us. It was like somebody had died.

There were two seats open, beside each other, and we walked to them without holding hands. The thought of his warm hands holding mine brought longing into my heart, and I wanted to just pour out my mind, make him see that we were making a mistake. I wanted to scream at the top of the lungs, to show him how I really felt. Instead, we just sat there quietly.

Liam sensed our awkwardness and started polite conversation again, but Harry and I stayed out of it, smiling and nodding at the appropriate times. Everybody was having a good time except for us. I felt like throwing myself off of a building personally.

The food was excellent, but I couldn't enjoy it. It was roasted chicken and wild rice with corn, my absolute favourite, but I may as well be eating dirt. I could only taste disappointment.

Dinner came and went in a blur, and we suddenly found our way back to the hotel. They all made plans for tomorrow, scheduled around an interview that the boys were doing tomorrow in the afternoon. As it was their last day in LA, they had big plans, but I didn't get too involved. I wouldn't be here to experience it anyways.

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