Chapter 6- Best I Ever Had

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Chapter 6


Harry had soft lips. Very soft lips. I was going to ask that boy what kind of moisturizer he used. But at the moment, I was much too busy.

He knew I was upset, and his lips were comforting me. He kissed me sweetly, warm and non-rushing. He didn't ask for anything more than a kiss, and I put all of my emotions into it. He was the perfect height, taller than me even in heels. He ran his hands through my hair, and I felt his at the same time. It felt as good as it looked, his silky curls wrapped in my fingers. When his hands slowly moved from my hair down to my back, I didn't object, yet he still kept things slow, and I felt a great deal of respect for him. He was waiting for me to signify if I wanted to take things further. Right now, in the hallway of a stadium, I was perfectly fine just kissing the lips of the most perfect person on the planet.

I couldn't tell you how long we were standing there, just kissing, because in a moment so perfect, you don't keep track of time. It was only when Louis came and cheekily cleared his throat that I noticed that there was other people in this world. We didn't break apart startled; rather we slowly came apart, Harry still holding me in his arms. I rested my head against his warm chest, and listened to his heartbeat through his cotton v-neck tshirt. I felt like it was playing my favourite song.

"If you two are" Louis began, then paused "...finished, the limo is about to leave Harry, so if we could just.." He couldn't finsh before Harry's deep voice cut him off.

"Louis, I have to talk to the boys and you about something" he said confidently, and winked down at me. I began to play with his hair absent-mindedly, curling and recurling the locks in my fingers. I had accomplished so much in one evening; I had met Harry Styles, he sang to me, kissed me, and now I was playing with his hair. It's interesting how things turn out sometimes.

We walked back from the hallway, Harry's arm keeping me close. His blazer smelt of Blue by Chanel aftershave, and I almost giggled at the thought of him shaving. The stadium was almost empty, the once chaotic seats deserted with some celebrities still mingling with each other. I was on Cloud 9, and I didn't care about any of them. I was the arm candy of my own dream.

When we reached the group, Harry introduced me in turn to Eleanor and Danielle, who each greeted me warmly.

"Hello Onika, it's nice to meet you" said Danielle, bouncing over to give me a hug. Her beautiful curly hair bounced with her, and soon I was enveloped in a mess of curls. She was wearing a part of dark wash skinny jeans and a cute flowered tank top. Her kind smile mirrored Liam's and I knew that they were perfect for each other. She returned to Liam's side, lacing her fingers through his.

Eleanor greeted me in a similar way, a hug and a huge smile. She was wearing a preppy white shirt, her hair falling in perfect waves down the side of her face. She too wore a pair of nice jeans. I was suddenly feeling overdressed. Here were too absolutely gorgeous girls, wearing normal clothes, which I was dressed in my best.

I became un-distracted when she whispered into my ear

"You two look good together", gave me a quick wink, and found herself back in Louis' arms, both gazing lovingly at each other.

Niall was hyped up from seeing Justin Bieber. He was an energetic Irish storm, spouting out random tidbits, like how Justin told him he had got his shirt at Lacoste or that he had picked up a ham sandwich at the backstage buffet. I was surprised that Niall hadn't cleared the table all by himself.

Zayn looked exasperated, and pulled a mirror out of his back pocket and began to fix his already perfect quaff. Harry cleared his throat, and Zayn quickly put away the mirror.

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