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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna

Gods...why does it have to be so cold?! I wrapped my coat tighter around me and breathed onto my hands. I swear, Ferox gets colder every time we come here! Where's Chrom?! Where's anyone?! Why am I outside?!

Chrom and I were in Regna Ferox to help in the competition between Khans once more. Problem: I was pregnant, and Chrom absolutely refused to let me fight. I'm not even that far along! I'm still capable to fight! As long as I'm careful, no harm will come to me or the baby.

I sighed, my breath coming out as fog. I shivered as a single snowflake landed on my cheek. I looked up, and more snowflakes burned my skin with their wicked cold. "Gah!" I looked back down and swiftly pulled my hood over my head.

"Grr...why did Chrom make me wait for him outside!" I whined. "It's freezing cold, I'm carrying his child, I do not have the proper outdoor wear, and cold weather is bad for my lungs. WHY DID HE WANT ME TO MEET HIM OUTSIDE?!?!"

I brushed some snow off of a small stone bench and sat down, hugging my knees to my chest. If he doesn't get here within the next five minutes, I'm going to kill him!

Five more minutes passed, and my husband still wasn't here. "That's it! I'm gonna kill him!"

"Kill who?" A familiar voice asked, stepping out from the bushes.

I groaned and stood up. "There you are! Where were you?!" I demanded.

Chrom gave me the clueless husband look. "The meeting with Flavia took a bit longer than I expected, I'm sorry," he said. "Were you waiting long?"

I frowned at him. "Yes... I've been out here for a half hour!" I growled. "Why didn't you ask me to wait inside?! It's warmer in there!"

Chrom gulped. He knew he was in trouble. "Umm... My bad...?"

"I'm this close to making you sleep outside."

"Ok! Ok! Let's get you inside!" He put a warm hand on my back and guided me through the gardens. "Jeez... You're freezing cold, Anna!"

I gave him the death stare. "You don't say?"

"I'll shut up!"

We walked in silence for a little while.

"So, um, Flavia said that the competition will be held tomorrow afternoon, so I have about a day to train," Chrom said.

I sighed. "Well good for you." I rolled my eyes. "I would help you, but someone won't let me fight." I placed a hand on my slightly swollen stomach, glaring at Chrom.

"Anna, you know that I won't change my mind on this, no matter how much you complain." He wrapped his arm around me and held me close.

I tried to struggle out of his grasp. "Chrom! I'm perfectly capable of fighting!" I protested, stomping my foot and crushing the snow beneath it. "You're overreacting!"

"No, I'm not!" he shouted. I winced at his sudden change in tone. A pitiful look painted his face. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to shout at you..." He shook his head. "I'm just...worried... About you, about the baby, about everyone... I know that you'll be careful, but that doesn't mean others will... Ferox is full of ferocious warriors, and they can easily forget that they are fighting a pregnant woman..."

My heart began to break at the sight of my husband so distraught. "I'm sorry, Chrom..." I whispered. "I'm sorry that I've been so irritable lately... I just...I can't help it... Everyone is treating me like some porcelain doll and I hate it... I know that I need to be more careful because I now have someone else I need to look out for...but it's hard to remember that sometimes..."

Chrom put a hand under my chin and sighed. "I know, and I'm sorry. It's difficult. But...please, be more careful? I just...I have so many fears right now... So much on my mind... Please, if you can promise me that you'll take it easy and be more careful from now on, that will take so much off of my mind... Please...?"

I stared into his clouded gaze for a moment. "...Alright... I promise that I will be more careful..." I hugged him tightly. "I don't want to cause you any trouble."

He chuckled lightly and kissed me on the head. "You're no trouble, love... I just worry a lot."

I smirked at him. "I know. You're my overdoting-dork-husband, after all!"

Chrom rolled his eyes and continued to walk with me. After a short while, I felt him wrap his cape around me, securing it tightly.

"What's this for?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "To keep you warm, silly."

I laughed and shook my head, leaning against him. "Whatever would I do without my overdoting-dork-husband?"

"Hush, you."

We finally went back inside, but by the time we got there; I was already warm.


Hey, if there can be angst, there will be angst. Anyway, thank you so much for checking out my October Prompts! I'm really excited to write them! MOSTLY BECAUSE IT'S SPOOKY TIME!!!!!! *ahem* So you may have noticed that the prompt schedule is a bit wonky. The reason for that is because of Chrobin Week! I will be participating in that, so I had to remove a few prompts and switch a couple around. There will be more time in between normal prompts because of this and the fact that school and marching band have been sucking up all of my free time. I'm making up for this with Chrobin Week with a new prompt posted every day for a week. Thank you for understanding, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: October 5h, Horses

Currently listening to: Stick Together: Elias Naslin ft. Lucy & Elbot and Elijah N

Fire Emblem Awakening: October PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now