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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna (Pre-marriage)


I jerked awake as I heard a sudden noise.

"Wh-what was that...?" I asked into the empty space. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, but that only added to my fear. Shaking like a leaf, I carefully lit a candle and held it out. I didn't see anything or anyone in my room, so I decided to investigate further. Putting on my slippers and adorning my robe, I exited my room.

"H-hello...?" No response. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

Just then, I heard the sound of something breaking. I let out a shriek, but I covered my mouth quickly. "Sh-show yourself!" As I was backing away from the darkness, I ran into something and heard a shrill scream.

Thrusting the candle forward, I saw the quivering body of Sumia before me. I let out a relieved sigh. "Oh, Sumia...thank the gods... It was just you!" I gasped, breathing heavily.

"Oh, Anna!" Sumia looked as pale as a sheet. "I'm so glad I found you! I heard a noise went to investigate! Thank goodness it was just you!"

"...I thought the noise was you..."

Another thud was heard. Crap.

Sumia and I huddled together and began shaking furiously. "Should we run...?" she asked.

I slowly nodded. "...Yes..."

We heard a glass shatter, and we both broke out sprinting.

"THE GHOSTS ARE AFTER US!!!!!!" Sumia cried.


We locked ourselves away in a spare room in the Garrison to hide from the ghost. "W-why do you think there's a ghost after us...?" Sumia asked.

Shaking, I placed the candle on a table and gripped Sumia's hand. "I-I don't know! But we have to be very quiet, ok?!"


We waited in silence for a few minutes.

"I-I think it's safe..." I crawled out of our hiding space to look around. As soon as I peeked my head out, I heard something scratch at the door. I bolted back to Sumia. "Never mind!!!"

"We're going to die!" We held onto each other for dear life. "Oh, gods! What are we going to do! How will our fiancés react?! Oh, Frederick...I'm so sorry..."

"Chrom will be heartbroken... I-I wish there was a way to save ourselves..." I shook my head. "What does this ghost want?! W-we didn't do anything!!!"

Sumia froze and stared into the darkness. "Um... I may have broken a vase that was sacred to Castle Ylisse... Maybe the ghost is angry about that..."

"...Oh, gods..."

Just then, a sudden gust blew out the candle, and we were left in complete darkness. We didn't even bother to hide our screams of terror. Not only that, but we heard the door creak open...

"This is it..." I whispered.

"Anna... I want you to know that you're one of the greatest friends I've ever had..."

"Same here, Sumia... Same here..."

The ghost scratched at the floor as it drew closer. I shut my eyes and prepared for my end.

...But it never came.

Instead, I felt something lick my face excitedly. "What the-?!"

"What is all the commotion about?!?!" Chrom's voice boomed as he entered the room, carrying a candle and lighting up the room.

"Chrom! There's a ghost! It's, um licking me-oh." The only thing licking me was Chrom's basenji puppy, Catori.

" was just a puppy..." Sumia sighed in relief.

"Sumia! Is everything alright?!" Frederick burst into the room, carrying a spear and a torch.

"They're fine," Chrom answered. "Now, give me the torch, and let's see what in the gods' name these two were freaking out about!" He took the torch, put it in a torch holder, then walked over to me. "Why were you screaming so much?! You woke up half the castle!"

My lip began to wobble, and I jumped into his arms. "I-I was so scared! I-I thought I was going to die!" I cried as I held onto him tightly. Catori poked me with her paw and tried to come in between my arms.

Chrom was speechless for a moment. Then, he decided to hug me back. "You know what...I'll get mad at you in the morning..." He scooped me into his arms and lifted me up. "You're too shaken up... Let's get you back to bed..." Catori let out an annoyed yip. "I'll deal with you, later... Frederick, take care of Sumia."

"Of course, Milord," Frederick said, kneeling down to comfort her.

I nuzzled Chrom's neck as he carried me out of the room. "I thought that there was a ghost..."

"Just...hush... You can explain everything in the morning... It's late, and you can't think properly..." Chrom sighed.

I nodded slowly. "W-wait...but... If it as just Catori...then, who blew out the candle?! And who opened the door?!?!"



"It's just your imagination..." Chrom whispered. "Get some sleep, and you'll be back to normal tomorrow."

I squeezed his neck and let out a sigh. "Very well..."


And that does it for the October Prompts! I Had a TON of fun writing these! I flipping love Halloween. Speaking of which, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment what you're going as! I'd really like to hear it! I'm being Jean from Attack On Titan. I got the horse mask and everything XD. Go to the next chapter to figure out what I'm doing next, I'm super excited about the next month! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Question: What was your favorite Prompt?

Currently listening to: This Is Gospel: Panic! At The Disco

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