Animals (Chrobin Week)

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I was quietly humming to myself and sorting a few books into the shelves of the library when I felt Chrom wrap his arms around my waist.

"Whatcha doing?"

I giggled and leaned back into him. "Sorting books, ya dummy!"

"I see that," he said, kissing the back of my neck. His calloused hands entwined with mine. "I'm about to be the best fiancé ever."

I raised my eyebrows and turned my head to him. He had that classic cheeky grin of his. I took all of my willpower not to kiss him. "Oh?"

"Remember when you said that you wanted a puppy?"

I froze in his arms and stared into his cerulean blue eyes. "Yes...?"

"You want to go to the kennels?"

I tackled him to the ground and hugged him tightly. "YESYESYESYES!" I kissed him over and over again.

"Anna-mmpf! I can't-mmpf- Breathe!"

"Don't care!" I kissed him again.


"CHROOOOOOOM! I WANT ALL OF THEM!!!" I cried as a bunch of puppies licked my face.

He chuckled and sat down next to me. "You may choose one," he chuckled. "You don't have time to take care of all these puppies!"

I hugged a golden-doodle puppy. "I will make time, Chrom!" I buried my face in the puppy's fur. "I love you..."

Chrom took the puppy away from me. It looks like Ylisse is about to lose its King. "I want to show you something, first." He took my hand and lead me to another part of the kennels.

He brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled a couple times. Then, three dogs came bounding out of the kennel. One of them was a large duck tolling retriever with blue eyes. Another one was a springer spaniel and was the tamest of the dogs. And the last one was a tiny basenji puppy.

Chrom bent down and began to pet them. "These are my dogs," he said. He ruffled the retriever's fur. "This is Barin. He's the leader of the pack and the oldest. I've had him for almost five years." Barin looked at me and let out a woof. "The springer spaniel is Aasira. She's the sassy one. I've had her for two." Aasira obediently sat down and allowed her owner to pet her. "And the puppy is Catori-uh, Catori?"

Little Catori was jumping around me and sniffing my feet. Her siblings were not amused.

Chrom sighed and called for the puppy. "I've had her for about three months, so she's the most ornery." He placed her in his lap. "Anyway, these are my dogs. I just thought that you'd want to meet them."

"Yes. Yes, I did." I knelt down and began to pet them. Barin cuddled up to me and laid down, Aasira allowed me to rub her belly, and Catori crawled into my lap and licked my face. "I'm gonna steal your dogs."

He laughed and stroked Barin's fur. "You're getting your own dog! Don't steal mine!"

"But they're so cute!!!" I whined, hugging Catori close.

"I know, but your puppy will be cute, too." He helped me to my feet. "Are you ready to find your new puppy?"

I nodded vigorously. "Yes. Yes, I am. I am more than ready."

He chuckled and kissed my head. "Then let's go."


We've been searching for at least an hour.

All the puppies were adorable, but I didn't see any of them as my dog

"Anna, it's getting late." Chrom yawned. "We can look again tomorrow morning, ok?"

I took his hand and sighed. "Alright..." I said under my breath. "I'm just sad that I couldn't find the right dog for me..."

He leaned down and kissed my cheek gently. "Don't worry, love. We'll find you something."

"Very well..."

As we were heading out of the kennels, I heard a slight squeak and the scampering of paws. I looked down to see a beautiful white and grey fox. The kit looked up at me with bright eyes, then scurried away into a corner.

"Chrom...what is that?" I pointed to the kit.

Chrom looked in the direction I was pointing. "Oh, one of our husky's got out and bred with a fox," he said. "We've had her for about two months. No one wants her since she's a mutt."

I frowned. "What's so wrong with a mutt?"

Chrom sighed and shook his head. "Purebreds are more desirable," he replied. "Trust me; purebreds are better. Their characteristics are more predictable and they're more healthy."

"Chrom, I'm a mutt and yet you chose me." I wrapped my arms around his neck and glared at him. "Want to tell me that mutts are undesirable, now, hmm?"

His eyes widened and he stared at me for a good while. Then, he began to laugh. "You got me there, Anna." He kissed my forehead. "Alright. See if you can tame her. If you can: she's all yours."

I smiled widely at him and kissed his nose. "Thank you."

Moments later, I was crouched down near the fox's hiding place, holding my hand out to her and softly whispering. "It's ok, girl... I won't hurt you... I want to be your friend!" I made gentle kissing noises and tried to get her to come out.

After a couple minutes of persuading: the fox kit finally poked her head out of her hiding place. "That's it, girl... It's alright... I'm right here." The kit allowed me to pet her head, and her fur was the softest thing I've ever touched. I moved my hand to her ear and began to scratch. She enjoyed that a lot.

She let out a happy yip and began to lick my fingers. My heart exploded.

I took her into my lap and continued to pet her. "I've found my pet." I smiled at the kit.

Chrom sat down next to me. "I'm glad to hear that." He kissed me gently, running his fingers through my hair. He released me and looked at the kit who was currently rolling around in my lap. "You have any name ideas?"

"How about... Luna!" The kit squeaked in response and stared up at me with her hypnotizing blue eyes.

"Aww! Luna it is!" I bent down and kissed Luna's head; she yipped and licked my face in excitement. "I could care less about the world right now. I only care about this puppy."

"Uhh, Anna? I still exist." Chrom tried to separate me from Luna.

I pushed him over and continued to cuddle my new puppy. "You're irrelevant to me, now. I have a puppy to keep me happy."

"...I just made the biggest mistake in my life by letting you get a dog, didn't I?"



WRITING THIS ONLY MAKES ME WANT A PUPPY EVEN MORE! And the petting of the golden-doodles was a real life experience. They are so fluffy. I want one. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: October 18th, Ylisse & Plegia

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