Music (Chrobin Week)

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom

I have always hated parties.

No matter the occasion whether it'd be a birthday, holiday, or just for fun: I've hated them with a passion.

Emm was hosting the annual Nagamas Ball this evening, and I, of course, was forced to attend. I would much rather spend the evening with my Shepherds, but they are all here as well. Most of them were delighted to attend the Ball since it's rare for some of them to attend parties like this. However, my excitement was at about the same level that Frederick is when he has to eat wild game.

Every single one of these things is the same to me. There's dancing, socializing, a whole lot of standing in one place and waving, and the never-ending onslaught of ladies trying to get my attention. The only things that are different are the decorations.

The ballroom was adorned with shiny gold and blue ribbons that draped across the ceiling and onto the walls. The tables were dressed with a fine white cloth with a pot of violet pansies as a centerpiece. Each guest wore the traditional winter colors of gold and blue. The orchestra was placed in their own corner of the room so they could play their music without interruption.

I admired the scenery of the ballroom from my place on the front balcony. It was customary of the royal family to stand here until every single guest arrived. Let's just say that I have to stand here for a very, VERY long time. Lissa and Emm had no trouble staying in one place. While Lissa had a habit of excitedly waving at people she knew and leaning on the edge of the balcony; Emm kept her composure and politely waved at each guest.

As Emm and Lissa greeted the guests, I did my best not to run away from this awful place. Every now and then, a group of ladies would giggle in my direction and wave to me. All I could do was smile politely and offer a small wave.

Gods...this is ridiculous! Why do I have to be up here?! How much longer until this Ball ends! And-wait. Where's Anna?! I quickly scanned the room for my fiancée. Where in Naga's name is she?! Did she stay in the Garrison, is she with someone, did someone try to take her away?! Oh, gods! If someone-

Just then, I spotted Anna in the crowd; talking to the Shepherds. I sighed in relief.

"You can go down there, if you'd like," Emm whispered to me.

I jumped in surprise and glared at her. "Emm! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

She giggled and winked at me. "I see you staring at Anna. You are dismissed from greeting duty," she said. "The prince's dance is about to start, anyway."

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, do I have to do that?" I sighed. "It's pointless! All it is is me choosing someone to dance with and everyone else joining in!"

"Chrom, this dance is a symbol of goodwill and unity." Emm gives me this same lecture every single year. "It's not meant to make any kind of statement. You can dance with whomever you want without starting any kind of rumors-"

"I know. That is why I always dance with you or Lissa because I still don't want to dance with any of these ladies who hope to marry me."

Emm gave me an unamused look. "Like I was saying, you can dance with whomever you want. A court lady...a or of your soldiers..." she bent closer to me, "maybe your tactician..."

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