Hunter's Moon

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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna (Pre-marriage)

"I'm so glad we can all sit down and relax, together." Chrom let out a hearty sigh and sat down next to me, draping his arm around me.

I snuggled against him and smiled. "Indeed..."

The week was full of meetings, debates, and a never-ending onslaught of nobles complaining about me and Chrom's engagement. But, we found a moment to sit down with all the Shepherds and just talk and relax; just like old times.

"It's still super weird to see you guys being all lovey-dovey," Lissa said, smiling at the two of us.

"Indeed." Maribelle nodded. "I knew that you needed to chose a wife, Chrom; but I didn't expect it to be this fast! I originally thought that you wouldn't get married until years from now!"

Chrom chuckled. "Well, I technically chose her as my bride a loooong time ago." He kissed my hand and ran his thumb over my golden engagement ring. I never take it off. I always wear it or have it on my person at all times. It means so much to me. I've just recently started wearing it over my glove, now that Chrom and I were public. And soon, Chrom will give me another band that I will wear for the rest of eternity.

"Still! You guys announced your engagement not even a week ago so it's new to us! It's weird!" Lissa giggled. "I like it! I knew that you two would end up together!" She smiled a triumphant smile. I could tell the Chrom was not amused.

"I'm so glad that you two found happiness with each other." Cordelia smiled at us. "I hope that I may someday find someone who looks at me the same way you two look at each other." She sighed.

I squeezed Chrom's hand. "Trust me, Cordelia. You will."

"Thank you, Lady Anna."

Lady...? Oh. Right. I'm a Lady, now. Great... "I still hate being called Lady!" I groaned, burying my face in Chrom's chest.

Chrom grinned and kissed my head. "You will get used to it, I promise."

"Sure, whatever..." I looked up and saw that Ricken was scrutinizing the same tome he's been reading for 20 minutes. "Ricken, is that tome interesting?" I asked.

Ricken looked up at me. "Oh, sorta," he replied. "See, I'm looking for spells to help plant growth, but a lot of the terms are super confusing to me."

I sat up. "Oh, like what?"

"Well, what the heck is a Hunter's Moon?"

Everyone was silent for a few minutes.

"...What IS a Hunter's Moon?!" Chrom blurted.

"That's a good question!" Sumia agreed.

I shook my head. "Ricken, why don't you check the glossary?" I suggested.

"Right, I'll get on that." He flipped to the back of the tome. "'s the first full moon after a harvest moon."

"What the hell is a harvest moon?!" Chrom shouted.

"I have no idea!" I said.

"I've heard of it, but I have not clue what it is..." Cordelia trailed off as she tried to think.

"Hold on, hold on..." Ricken flipped through the pages. "It's a full moon that's closest to the autumnal equinox."

"I see..." I murmured.

"So, are they basically the same thing?" Sumia asked.

"No, one is the first full moon, and the other is the second full moon of the month," Ricken said.

"I thought that's a blue moon?" Maribelle pointed out.

"Now what's a blue moon?!" Vaike groaned.

"It's when the moon turns a bluish hue. It's a rare phenomenon, but there are some reports of it happening," Mirel said as she pushed up her glasses. "But a blue moon is also referred to as the second full moon in a calendar month."

"I am so confused." Chrom sighed.

I squeezed his hand and leaned onto his side. "So am I, dear. So am I..."

"Hmm, apparently every month has its own seasonal moon," Ricken said.

Everyone went ballistic.

These are the moments I'm most fond of. Even though there is chaos in the Garrison, there is also peace. We don't have to worry about the war. We don't have to have to worry about being attacked at a moments notice. We don't have to worry about any of that. We can finally live our lives as we please. Since I lost my memories, I don't know what life without war is like. However, each and every moment that I'm with Chrom and the others makes me realize what life truly has to offer. I am making new memories every day. I am growing closer to everyone every day. I am becoming happier and happier every day.

I am so blessed to have this life; I cannot imagine it being any other way.

Everything is perfect.


...So I can explain. Many moons ago (haha, get it?) I was talking to MMHunter and xInSainex about these prompt month things, and one of October's prompts was Hunter's Moon, as you can see. Well, we were hella confused to as to what that was, so we looked it up and then it led to, like, a 10-minute discussion about moons. I originally wasn't going to do this prompt, but then I decided that I can base this story after our conversation and so this was born. The End XD. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more! And thank you again to the Stress Squad Sisterhood for indulging with me about moons all those months ago; I still can't believe that so much time has passed since then. I don't know what I'd do without you guys and I'm lucky to have you guys in my life. Thank you. <3

Next Prompt: October 28th, Warm Cider

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