Warm Cider

132 4 11

Sometime after chapter 11. Anna

Chrom had always been overprotective of me. If I ever mentioned a slight discomfort I was feeling, he was taking care of it faster than Gaius scarfs down baked goods. There was this one time when I sprained my ankle while marching, and he carried me the rest of the way. There was another time when he made me soup when I had a cold. I got sick quite often during our march in the North, so he did that on multiple occasions.

He's always been like this, ever since the beginning! Chrom is but an over-doting dork who loves me more than life itself, and I have no problems with that! I don't mind that he's overprotective of me, it just means he cares.

However...ever since we found out I was pregnant...

"Anna! Do you need me to fetch you more blankets?!" Chrom panted as he ran back into our bedroom, carrying a stack of blankets in his arms.

I peeked my head through the already thick layer of covers. "No, Chrom, I'm-"

"I'll get you some more!" He threw one more sheet on me and turned away.

I sighed and leaned back into the pillows. My husband is insane... I never thought he could be any more protective of me, but I was wrong. Since the very second I told him I was carrying our child, he's been treating me like a precious jewel.

All I did was tell him I was cold! Did he have to bring me every single blanket in the castle?!

He ran back into the room with more blankets. "Alright! I got you a few more! Do you need-"

"Chrom! This is enough! I can barely breathe!" I wiggled my arm out of the mountain of blankets and placed my hand on his. "I don't need any more blankets, love."


"No buts!" I laughed. "If you're that concerned about me being cold, then come over here and keep me warm!"

Chrom kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand. "Fine. I'll keep you warm myself," he said. "But I need to get something, first."

"Chrom, if it's another blanket-"

"It's not!" He rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back." And with that, he left out room to get Naga knows what.

"What am I gonna do with that dork...?" I asked myself, shaking my head. I rubbed my barely swollen stomach and sighed. "Your father sure is something else, little one..." I bit my lip as a wave of morning sickness came over me. "Ugh...you're not really making this easy..."

Just then, Chrom came back into the room; carrying a tray full of snacks and mugs full of something. He set the tray down on his table, then crawled into bed with me, kissing my cheek when he was settled in.

He handed me a mug. "Sorry for the wait, dear."

I smiled and snuggled up against him. "You were not gone that long..." I brought the warm mug to my lips and was immediately warmed by the sweet taste of apples and spices. "I've been longing for a warm cup of cider for a little while, now."

Chrom wrapped his arm around me and took a sip from his own mug. "The apple harvest was plentiful this year, so there is more to go around." He set the mug down and began to rub my stomach. "How are you two feeling?"

I rolled my eyes and entwined my hand with his. "We're fine, love," I replied. "Why are you so overprotective of us?"

Sighing, Chrom hugged me tightly. "Because I can't bear the thought of losing you two..." he muttered into my hair. "I've already lost my Mom, Emm, and I still remember losing a sibling who didn't even have the chance to be born... The thought of losing my wife or unborn child...I...I don't know if I could even go on..."

I quickly set my cider down before it could spill and I hugged him back. "Chrom... Nothing bad will happen to us..." I swore. "With an overprotective man like you in our lives, literally nothing could happen to us even if it tried!"

Chrom chuckled and brushed a stray strand of hair out of my eye. "I love you, my princess... I will always protect you. I will keep you happy. I will keep you safe for the rest of my days." He bent down and kissed my stomach. "The same goes for you, little one."

I laughed and threaded my fingers through his blue locks as he rested his head on my stomach. "You're such a dork..." We laid like this for a few minutes, completely happy to be in the presence of one another.

"...Have I told you how excited I am to be a dad?" Chrom suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes, you have. Multiple times."

"Well, I am." He propped himself up on his elbow. "You've made me the happiest man alive, Anna."

I began to tear up. "Awwwww, stop! You're making me cry!" I wiped away a tear. "You've made me the happiest woman alive, then."

"Glad to hear it... And I'm sure that when Chrom Jr. comes into the world, we'll be even happier."

"We are not naming the baby Chrom Jr.!" I groaned. "We've talked about this!"

"Awww! Why not?" He gave me his signature puppy dog eyes and pouted.

"Because of reasons!" I complained, ignoring his adorable face. "And what if it's a girl?"

"Anna Jr.?"


I went to pick up my cider but was met with disappointment when I felt that it went cold. "Chrooooom...?"

Chrom chuckled and took the mug from me, kissing my forehead. "I'll get you some more. Be right back."

"Thank you..." I said as he left the room.

I snuggled back into the blankets and smiled, rubbing my stomach up and down. "He may be overprotective, but that's just because he loves us... I can't wait to meet you, little one. I promise that we will do everything in our power to keep you happy..."


Dork husband is a dork. I don't have much else to say XD. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: October 31st, Ghosts

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