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Sometime after chapter 11. Chrom (pre-marriage)

I haven't been spending as much time with Anna as I would have liked. Ever since I was crowned King, its just been meeting after meeting after meeting. As my Royal Advisor: Anna accompanies me to meetings; but not all of them. While I'm gone, she's usually training with the Shepherds or in the library. However, I've noticed that she's been with the animals a lot as of late.

At the end of the day, I usually find her in the kennels: playing with or cuddling the dogs. Or she's in the stables with Ladybug. I don't mind that Anna's always with the animals, I really don't. But sometimes, it is hard to get her to leave.

Like now. This morning, I told her one of the mares has given birth to twins, and I haven't seen her since.

I was tired. It's been a long day, and I want to see my Anna. However, I had to walk all the way to the stables to find her. I just wish Anna would wait in the castle for me before dinner... I need to hug her right now but the stables are so far...

Soon, I came upon the Royal Stables. It was a warm spring day, so many of the horses were in the paddock; including Albern and Ladybug. Albern pricked his ears and turned his head towards me; happily trotting to the edge of the fence to see me.

I smiled and pet his black mane. "Hey, boy. Haven't seen you in awhile." Albern nickered and nudged my arm away to sniff my pockets. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah... I have treats, hold on!" I grabbed a few treats from my pocket and held them out to him. "Anna made these this morning. Enjoy." You didn't have to tell him twice.

As soon as Albern was done eating, he flicked his tail and turned away; walking back to his spot to continue grazing. "Oh. I see how it is, then." I shook my head and decided to go into the stables.

A few stablehands greeted me upon my arrival and went back to what they were doing. Alright... Now, where's Anna? "Um, excuse me. Have you seen my fiancé?" I asked a young, brown-haired girl.

The girl jumped at the sound of my voice. "Oh! Um... Sh-she's in Violet's stall in the west wing, Milord!" she quickly replied.

"Thank you." I smiled and journeyed to the west wing of the Royal Stables. Just like the girl had said, Anna was sitting down in one of the stalls; baby-talking to the newborns.

"I see you've found them," I said, entering the stall.

Anna looked back at me. "I did...aren't they adorable?!" She gestured to them. "She gave birth to a foal and a filly! Isn't that amazing?!"

I sat down next to her. " truly is..." They were both laying down next to each other, deep in sleep. The foal was a light reddish brown with a white muzzle, and his sister was the same; but her coat was a much lighter color.

I placed my hand on Anna's. "It's quite the miracle, really..." I said beneath my breath. "A mare giving birth to twins and they all survive..."

Anna's lips turned up into a gentle smile. "I know..." She looked over to the mother. The large brown mare was sleeping on her side, and her breaths were long and heavy. "Poor girl... She's been so out of it since she gave birth..."

"I would think so," I said, "she gave birth to twins! That's extremely rare for horses and for it to go well!"

Anna leaned against me. "I know... I'm just so happy that she and her babies are ok..."

"Do they have names?"

Anna nodded. "Yeah. The stable hands let me name them," she replied. "I named the boy Moose, and the girl is Athena."

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