Chapter 1

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Dear readers this is one of my stories that I had in my mind for so long and wasn't sure about posting it. I love fairy tales and hope you will like this one too. It might be boring at the beginning but it will get better. Please read it and let me know if you will like it too❤️😘👍
Thank you...
My names is Angela and the story I am about to tell you will chance your mind about fairy tales....
It will be worth of your time

I moved to small town RoyalBird town few months ago. I wasn't too happy about my moms design when she said we need to go back and help grandma till she gets better. She just had heart surgery and needed our help. Original I am from LA.

Before you will get bored with me let me tell you my story. Story that changed my life forever.

Now sit back and relax.

Long, long time ago in a kingdom called....... Wait, forget about that...... erase...... Once upon a time in a... Wait, it doest work either.... I really don't know how to start so I will start with normal English language

Okay, okay... here we go

Being a new kind in your senior year is always big pain in the bottle (Thats how my grandma says) after being bullied in my last school I was kinda happy to start all over ago, the only think I wasn't happy about is this Royal Bird town. Who even came up with that name?

First day in school was normal high school day. Classmates looked nice and not as mean as I imagined somewhere deep in my thought, the only thing that was weird was the lady that I met on the way home.

My new school was very close to my house so I walked. There was a very long alley that was beautiful and scary at the same time. The road was surrounded by trees on both of the sides of a road. I havens seen any art driving by this morning.

On the way to my house I saw an old lady covered in very old and ripped clothing. She was standing on the road with basket of apples.

She had grey hair, her eyes were dark and skin old and she had a big mole on her face. When she noticed me she dropped her basket and looked at me shocked.

One of the apples rolled up to me and stoped next to me. I picked it up and walked to an old lady to help her out. I grabbed few more apples and put them in her basket.

"You" she said lifting her skinny finger at me.

My smile was gone in a sec.

"Its you. You are the saver" she grabbed my hand and said "Come with me"

Her hands were so skinny and nails so long and sharp.

'I don't know what you are talking about, I only wanted to help" I was trying to break free from her hands.

"You are, you are the one!" She said looking me in the eyes

"Please let me go"
"Let her go old witch!' I heard another voice said.

We both turned and I saw a very beautiful lady getting out of her car and waling to us.

"You can't tell me what to do!" The old lady said

"You are on my territory and she is my student. You either gonna let her go or I will call the police"

"Stupid humans" the old lady said and let go of my hand.

The lady who saved me was Mrs. Brown English teacher in my school. She was only 25 beautiful and smart. She told me to stay away from this road and never get near her again.

Great start of a school year, don't you think?

That night I couldn't sleep. I heard how it started raining outside and when it stoped at 2:00 am This town looks suspicious and I am going to find out who that old lady is.

Next day Morning

"Hey mom can I take grandmas car?" I said walking into the kitchen. My mom was making me breakfast.

"Why dear? The school is like 10 minuted away"

"I want to use the other road, it looks nice and safer" (f I will tell my mom about yesterday she will freak out)

"Hmm, thats fine, take mine. I will be staying home anyway"

"Thanks mom"

"Sure honey, let me find my keys" she gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked to the living room

"Found them" mom said from the living room "Dad said he will send you your car with his friend next week."

"You think we gonna stay for long?"

"I don't know dear. Mom looks weak so I want to stay with her as long as I can"

"Do whatever you think is right. I will he here to help if you will need me"

"My baby is so big now" mom said

"You baby is with dad and he is only 7"

"Dont be meanie, you know what I mean"
"Okay, mom. Don't wanna lie, I am gonna go"

"But you breakfast?"

I walked to her and took toast from the plate "This will be enough"

"This child will send me to the hospital one day"

"Love you too"

I walked out of the house and hopped into my moms mini van. Turned the engine, turned GPS on pulled out.

"In 2 miles turned left" the voice said

I turned left

"In 3 miles turn right" voice said

Turned right

Suddenly I noticed think smoke and in few seconds couldn't see anything.

"You are at your destination" voice said

What? Hey what do you mean? I can't see anything how can I be at school already?
Few minutes later the smoke. Started to fade away and I saw something I was not expecting to see.

So, what do you think?

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