Chapter 5

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Miss Angela how long your class have to wait for you?" Voice behind me said ...
When I turned I saw one of my teachers. It was Mrs. Hopes. She was my Math teacher, she was in her 50s but looked younger.

"I am sorry"

"Hurry up. I don't have all day" holding door for me

The rest of the day was fine. New kids, new teachers and tons of homework. I could concentrate all day. Was it my imagination or I was seriously in fairy tale.

At 2:15 classes were over so I rushed to my locker. I opened my locker #307 and note fell down
I looked around to see if it was one of the kids trying to make fun of me. When I picked up a note from the floor I opened it and saw message

"It wasn't a dream......3B"

What is 3B room? We don't have room number 3 in the blue hall. What is going on in this town?

At home I spend 3 hours doing homework and trying to understand the material we learned in class.

When I was done I checked the time it was 6:45pm I set back and closed my eyes. "Much better"

When I opened my eyes I was standing on the market street

"Look at her?"
"Where did she came from?"
"What is she wearing?"
"Why is her close so revealing"

People were whispering to each other. I felt so uncomfortable, I had my VS yoga pants with Calvin Klein tank top

God why do I have to always embrace myself in this world.

The market was full of people so it was hard to run away from there too fast.

10 minutes later I was finally on the long road away from people who were about to hit me with rocks.......I looked back to check if anyone is following me when I my leg tried and felt on something.

"Miss, please be careful"

I looked up..... that was a guy..... I was laying on..... Oh NO, NO, NO not him again...

"You?" (Quickly getting off of him) "Its you, the girl from the forest" he said

"I am sorry sir, didn't see you"

"Sorry? Last time..."

"Don't want to interrupt you but I need to go" I ran from him as fast as I could

"Hey wait ........"

I heard him calling me but I ignored him

I don't know how long I was in the forest but closer to the dark I got to Ella's house.

I nocked on the door but no-one opened it. I went to the garden and found Ella crying


She stoped crying and looked up at me

"Ange.. Ange... Ange" she ran up to me and started hugging. Her touch didn't effect on me, because I was still here in the fairy tale

"Ella are you okay? What happened?"

"You were right Ange.... My father.... My father is gone"

"What happened?"

"He is dead. He got sick and... and... and..."

"I am so sorry Ella"

We spend few hours sitting in the garden crying and talking about her father. Her stepmother was gone to take care of some business and took her daughters with her"

It started to get dark but I was still here in the fairy tale...

"Ange, thank you for helping me, but I want you to meet my friends"

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