Chapter 13

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I am grateful foe every like and all the views I get. I am thankful for you 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

When I got back from the fairy tale world I realized I was on the high way. Luckily on the right side of the line. I was few exits away from my house. It was 9:00 pm and I have no clue what my teacher would say on Monday about my runaway from her assignment.

I parked at the garage and realized my mom was not home. I quickly opened the back door where Ella was changing to get the dress and other things I borrowed but to my surprise under dress I found the shows. Didn't they had to stay with her or at least one.

I was confused and shocked. I wasn't sure whats happening. Will that mean Ella will never meet her prince charming?

I ran quickly to my room and opened my laptop which was laying on my desk.

Click on Google



Nothing there was no info about Cinderella but how....

On Monday I went back to school thank god my teacher was so busy with the play that she forgot about me.

I was really worried and wasn't sure what is happening, was it a dream? but I cant be.

School day went by fast and next week we have to perform. I was so not happy about this play. My teacher decided to redo her own work and now Ella turned into one of her daughters who was not very loved at home.

I got so trust rated with everything that I went up to my teacher after class. Mrs. Moon was sitting and looking through papers. She was young, probably in her late 30s. She loves wearing purples I don't understand how she always finds cloths with that color.

"Mrs. Moon may I speak to you"

"What is it dear?"

"Can I have a small role in the play. I cant remember words and always do everything wrong"

"I believe that you can, you are a little nervous"

"Please Mrs. Moon Kate could be better than me. She even knows all the lines"

"Yes, but that was your idea"

"Please, I really am tired. I am going through too much stress and I cant handle so many things at the same time"

"I understand. I know about your grandmother. Okay, I will give you a small role. You will play one of the prince soldiers"

"Thank you so much"

"I will let you know what to do tomorrow at the reversal"

On the next day I went to rehearsal and Anna gave me the costume that was ready for me. It looked real maybe because it was left from one of the other plays they did last yer. It was blue and white. The pants were white with blue stripes and the coat was all blue with white lines on the bottom part of the sleeve with interesting golden details nest to them

"Wow, you look great" said Anna looking adored


"Lets put your hair in this hat"

She fished my hair and I went on the stage. When I was about to Enter brith light hit my eyes and I was blind for a second. Next thing I know I was standing next to the solders who were chatting and talking about some strategies.....

"Wait. Am I on the war. Please don't tell me I got into the War and Peace"... "Cant be, no one speaks Russian here"

"Pssss, psss" I hears something pss at me. When I turned I saw someone is trying to get my attention.

I walked to the soldier, and he grabbed my hand and said "Follow me" wait I know that voice


"Shhhh. Not here"

We walked good 10 minutes toward the woods, when she stoped

"I am so glad you are here" she turned and gave me a big hug

"I missed you too, but whats going on?"

"ohh let me start from the beginning"

So looks like when I left, prince was searching for Ella everywhere and declined engagement with the princess Rosaline. Her dad was very mad and said if prince wont marry his daughter he will start a war.

People really love royal family and they were happy to help prince to look for his true love but they failed. Cinderellas stepmother found out that she was at the ball but didn't knew that Ella was the princess that danced with prince charming so she locked her in her room for few days. There was no prove for Ella to show prince charming that it was her. Prince promised to marry when he will get home back after war and any girl will have a chance to become his wife.

Ella told me that his dad was not happy with his designation and his stupidity to fall in love with a stranger. That he made him promise to marry any girl who will be the first one who will enter his front of his castle door.

Ella found out about it when her little friends helped her escape at night from her house and join in the army. She had no else to go plus that was the only way to see prince.

"wow,  I cant believe you are like Mulan right now"

"Who is Mulan" Ella

"Ignore me. So are we winning?"

"Not really but I have an idea how we can win. And you need to help" said Ella

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