Chapter 6

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So, looks like I got only one reader. 😂 Thank you for reading and commenting 😘❤️OceanAndTheSea


Btw do you guys like the pictures on top, should I keep posting those?

First week of school went by so fast. I never went back to fairy tale and it made me sad for a little. I was hoping to see Ella and help her out.

My last class was English where I had Mrs. Moles

"Class today I want to read you one story I found online the other day" the class was not listening "Class please, I know you are tired and weekend is coming up but please let me do my job" no one listened. I looked around the classroom but kids were talking and laughing. Looks like they had no respect to the teacher.

Mrs. Moles looked at me and I smiled to her.

She walked up to me and put short story at my desk.

"Maybe my work wasn't too unimportant" she turned and left the room

I opened the the first page with the name of the story and I was shocked when I found out I was reading Cinderella story but this story was so different. The story was called "Lady Tremaine" and it was telling a story about poor Lady Tremaine who got married again after her first husband died and how hard for her was the second lost. There was not even a word about Ella or prince charming. After the death of the king the throne was taken by new King Charles with his new wife which was Ellas stepmother.

"Ella" i said quite.

I quickly got my phone out and wrote "Cinderella" Google gave me "Urban Dictionary: Cinderella" I clicked on it but it gave me a turn in sport
I spend another 15 minutes but I couldn't find her....

When I was done with school I rushed to the parking lot. Dropped my bags and started the engine...... suddenly I realized I forgot my phone in the school so I rushed back but when I opened the door and walked in..... I walked into Ellas room....

God I will lose my mind soon....

Ella walked in and when she saw me she gave me one of her brightest smiles "Ange you are back"

"Yes I am"

I don't know how but 3 months have passed since I left. People who worked in the house left because evil stepmother refused to pay them so Ella got kitchen duty, garden duty, cleaning duty and everything that was possible to get.

Even the room we were in was no longer hers. She walked in to get some dirty clothes and washed them. I was lucky enough to be transported into this world after sisters were gone with the mother to the market

I was outside with Ella trying to help her out with clothes when Ella said

"Ange I forgot to tell you" she seemed so happy

"There will be royal ball next month"

"Thats a great news"

"Yes the whole town is going"

"And you are not" I said

She stoped doing whatever she was doing "How did you know?"

"I know your stepmother"

"Ange she is not that bad as you think. She said she will think about it"

"Ella she is an evil witch!"

"If you are my friend I hope you won't say that"

"Okay Ella. Okay"

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