Chapter 4

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For my beautiful readers........ 😘❤️
Ellas House ⬆️


Where in the world am I again? In Juristic park ?
The was no roads so I want sure where I was going. After few hours of walking in the woods I saw Ellas house again.

Ella was laying on the grass and looking at the sky.

"Ella?!"  Ella jumped up and rushed to hug me

"Oh my angel is back, I am so glad to see you again"

"Ella you are ....gonna choke.... me...right now"

"Sorry, I am just so happy to see you"

Can I say I am not because this situation is driving me crazy?

"Where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you?" She looked hurt

"Sorry, I had to go but I am back now"

"Yes, you are. Are you hungry I made most amazing cake for my father you should try it"

"Ella is your father home?"

"Yes, but he is leaving me soon. He has to go back" she said sadly.

Oh no, doest mean he is going to die, I can't let that happen and her mean stepmother make peasant out of her

"Ella don't let him go, he might be in danger"

"Why are you saying that"

"Please just trust me and don't let him go"

"He won't listen I tried many times" she said looking away from me "but he must, because of my stepmother"

"Can you introduce me to your father than?"

"Oh he can't wait to meet you. Follow me"

We walked into her father office which was big and really nice

'Father I want you to meet my friend. He name is Angela" I was standing next to Ella
When she finished her sentence her father looked up and saw me.

It was really hot today so I had dress shirt with legging on.

He was shocked of my outfit but he finally said

"I am really nice to meet you Angela. Welcome"

"Thank you Lord Tremain"

"I am sorry, I have important papers to look..."

"Hats okay father"

We left the office and I had horrible feeling inside

We were in the living room talking

"When is you father leaving tomorrow morning"

"Tomorrow morning" she said looking down

I opened my bag and took big  notebook out.....

"Ella what year is it?"

"I am sorry?"

"What year it is?"

"I believe 1697"

"Okay so according to my believe  many people are dying from typhoid (writing down year and current thoughts)..... there is no medication so......"

Ella was looking at me like I gone crazy "Listen to me Ella tell your father to stay away from areas that will have typhoid disease..." "Hold on was it a decease that killed him or something else? Why can't I remember the story in details.... Wait it the evil stepmother or

"Ange you are scaring me"

"please listen to me and do what I say. If am your friend you must listen to me. Your father is in danger"

"Why does Ella have to listen to you?" Heard Evil stepmothers voice

She was making her walk like a queen down the stares in her dark green dress. Oh she is so evil I really hate her.

"Why does Ella have to listen to someone like you?" She came down stares and walked up to me giving her disgust look

"She is my friend" Ella said trying to help me out

"Oh Ella dear. People like her can't be your friends "

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are to look at me like that" faced her

Her face was shocked. She really thought she is queen or something

"Ella get this girl out of my house before I will kick her out"

"You don't have rights to kick me out. Its not your house. This house belongs to Ella and her father" Ella was trying to drag me out of the room before I will tell this lady everything I think of her

"Get out of my house now your dirty little peasant"

"Don't you dare....."

Ella dragged me out of her house to the garden

"What got into you?" Ella said

"I know the way she is looking at you. Ella she is evil you need to be careful, she can destroy your life, don't let her"

"Ange please stop."

"Ella I want to save you from her"

"She is my stepmother Ange, my father...... (started to cry) he is happy. I have never seen him happy since mom.. since mom... Oh Ange if only you knew"

"Ella listen to me you need to tell your father to stay away from that trip or you will lose him forever. Your life in her house will turn into hell. I can't tell exactly what will happen but Ella...."

She was crying nonstop. I felt so bad

When I was about to give her a hug "puff" I was back to my world. I looked around and saw myself standing in the blue empty hall.

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