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Hey guy
Hope you enjoy the chapter

This takes place on the same day blaze went to school

Dottie POV.

      *ring* *ring.* "Time to get up for school." I said sitting up and stretching. I got out of my bed and walk over to my closet and grabbed my uniform. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair.

    I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a few bruises from yesterday. 'Why did I have to become the omega.' I though remembering that day.


    Me, Daniel, and Rylan were at my locker. "Come on Dottie hurry up." Daniel said. "Sorry my locker jammed how about you guys go to lunch and I'll meet you there." I said pulling on my locker. "Okay we'll see you there." Rylan said as they walked towards the lunch room.

    I didn't see Ein walk up. "Hey Dottie need some help." Ein said. "Yeah." I said. Ein pulled my locker open. "Thank a lot Ein." I said getting my lunch. "No problem but I did come over here to talk to you." Ein said. "Okay what did you need to talk about." I said.

      He slammed me onto the lockers. I yelped in pain. "I'm making you the omega." Ein said. He hit me then walked away. I felt tears in my eyes. 'Why did it have to me.' I thought. I wiped away my tears and started walking to the lunch room.

     "Hey Dottie." Rylan said. "Hey guys sorry it took me so long it would've took me longer but Ein help me out." I said sitting at the table. "That was nice of him. But I wonder who he making the omega." Daniel said.

     I felt my ears go down. Daniel and Rylan noticed. "What wrong Dottie." Daniel said. "After Ein helped me open my locker he said that he wanted to talk to me. He shoved me against the locker and told me that I was the omega." I said looking down at the table.

     "Oh we're sorry that we weren't there to help." Rylan said. "It's fine." I said. "We will protect you from everybody that try's to hurt you." Daniel said. "Thanks guys." I said with a smile.

*end of flashback*

     I walked down stairs to see my dad and mom. "Good morning." I said to my parents. "Good morning Dottie breakfast is almost ready." The dad said. "Sweet you always make the best breakfast." I said.

     "Hey what about me Dottie. I make breakfast sometimes." My mom said. "Mom every time you try to make something is always gets burned." I said sitting at the table. We laughed.

I ate my breakfast then looked at the time. "I should get heading. I got to meet up with Daniel and Rylan." I said grabbing my backpack. "Bye Mom. Bye dad." I said walking out the door.

I went to Daniel house and saw the Rylan was there. Daniel walked out of his house and walked up to us. "Are we ready to go." Rylan said. We nodded. We started heading towards the school.

     Once we got there we walked in and went to our lockers. I was going to my next class when I saw a guy with red hair and blue and green eyes. 'He must be new here.' I thought as I walked to my next class.

I got to my class. I sat at a desk and took out a notebook that I draw in or wrote song lyrics. (I do this in my math class.) The same guy I saw in the hallway walked into the classroom. 'It the guy from earlier.' I thought. The guy sat a few desk away from me. The bell rung for class.

"Good morning class today we have a new student. Blaze please come up here and introduce yourself." The teacher said. The guy that sat a few desk away stood up and walked up to the front of the class.

"Hi I'm blaze. I transferred here last week. It's nice to meet you." Blaze said. 'He kinda cute.' I thought. "Thank you blaze you may sit back down then we can began class." The teacher said. Blaze went back to his seat.

Soon class was over then it was time for the next. Then after that class was lunch. Me, Daniel, and Rylan were heading to my locker so I can grab my lunch when Jax and rider came up to us. They shoved me to the ground and knocked out Rylan and Daniel. I got up and they shoved me against the locker and started to hit me.

I started to get tears in my eyes. I saw blaze walk up to us. 'Is he here to help me.' I thought. "Oh hey blaze. Do you want to hit this girl." Jax said. "Yeah." Blaze said. Rider and Jax stepped aside. Blaze picked me up and threw me to the ground then kicked.

"Nice job blaze." Rider said. "Thanks." Blaze said. They walked back to there table. I slowly got up and walked over to Daniel and Rylan. I woke them up. "OMG DOTTIE." We heard Aphmau yell. "What happened." Aphmau said. "Nothing are you guys okay." I said.

     "Yeah we are okay but your hurt a lot more then us." Daniel said. "I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure." Rylan said. "Yes Rylan." I said. "Okay let's just go to your locker and grab your lunch then we can go eat outside." Daniel said. Me, Rylan, Aphmau, and Daniel walked to my locker.

    Soon the school day was over. Me, Rylan, and Daniel walked home. Daniel was the first to be home then Rylan. I put my headphones on then started to play my favorite song. Soon I got home.

     I walk to my room and set my backpack next to my bed. I flopped down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling and thought to myself. 'I thought that blaze would be different but he just like the other werewolves.' I thought.

Hey guys
Hope you enjoy the second chapter of this story. The next part will be posted soon.
Anyways guys hope you have an amazing day or night and stay awesome as always.

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