The wrong kiss

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Hey guys
Hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry that the chapter short.

(Time skip a four months)
Dottie POV.

It been four months since blaze asked me to go on a date with him. I woke up to my alarm. I got up and got dressed. I brushed my hair. I walked down stairs and saw my parents. "Good morning Dottie. Breakfast is almost ready." My Dad said.

    Soon breakfast was ready. I ate then grabbed my backpack. "I'm heading to school. See you guys later." I said. I walked out the door and headed towards school.

   Soon I got to school. I saw Daniel and Rylan. I walked up to them. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Dottie. What's up." They said. The bell rang for homeroom.

   I walked to my homeroom and sat down next to Aphmau. "Hey Dottie." Aphmau said. "Hey alpha." I said. Me and alpha talk the whole time until the bell rung for first period.

I walked to my first hour and sat down. Blaze walked in and sat next to me. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. Soon the bell rung for class to start. Me and blaze just past a note to each other. "Dottie, Blaze please pay attention to my class." The teacher said.

Once class was over me and blaze walked to my locker and got my lunch. We started to walk to class but someone got in our way. "What do you want Ein." Blaze said pulling me behind him. "I just want to hurt the omega." Ein said taking a step towards us.

"You are not going to lay a finger on her." Blaze said with a growl. "Fine we will leave her alone for now." Ein said walking away. 'He planning something bad.' I thought to myself.

Me and blaze walk to lunch and sat down at the table. "Hey guys what took you so long." Daniel said. "Ein stopped us. He was gonna hurt me but blaze stopped him before he could." I said. "I thought Ein left you alone cause he hasn't try to hurt you in four months." Rylan said. "I thought so too but I guess I was wrong." I said. We ate lunch.

(Time skip to the end of the day brought to you by blottie.)

It was the end of the school day. Blaze went to his locker while I walked to my locker. I heard someone walk up behind me. "That was qu- EIN what are you doing here." I said. "I did say earlier that I did want to hurt you." Ein said with a smirk. "Please leave me alone." I said.

Ein pinned me against the locker. Suddenly he kissed me. I tried to shove him off but he was stronger then me. I heard someone footsteps but then stop close to us. Ein stopped kissing me and looked at the person. I looked at the person.

It was blaze. Blaze turned around then ran off. Ein looked at with a smirk then walked away. I ran in the direction the blaze ran off in. I finally found him. "Blaze please let me expla-" I was cut off by blaze punching me to the ground. "Don't talk to me again." He said. He kicked me on last time then walked away. I layed there in the ground. Then I saw blood from where blaze kicked me.

I heard someone ran up to me and yell my name. I looked at them. It was alpha, Daniel, and Rylan. They called the ambulance. Before the ambulance could arrive I blacked out.

Yay first cliffhanger.

Hey guys hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry the chapter was short I wanted to post a short one.

Anyways guys hope you have an amazing day or night and stay awesome as always.


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