I've heard that name before

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Hey guys
Hope you enjoy the chapter.

(Few weeks later)

Dottie POV.

     It's been a few weeks sense me and blaze started dating. Me and blaze were walking on the beach. "Want to play some volleyball." Blaze asked me. "Yeah sounds fun. But your going to lose." I said. We got to the court and started to play.

Blaze lost. "You are really good that this game." Blaze said. "Well I do play it a lot with Daniel and Rylan. So I get a lot of practice." I said. "Hey Dottie." I heard some voice from behind me. Then I heard blaze growl. I turned around to see who it was.

It was Leo. "What do you want Leo." I said. "I was trying to text you to see if you wanted to hang out." Leo said. "No I'm never hanging out with you again." I said. I felt Leo grabbed my wrist. "Let go of her Leo unless you want to be hit again." Blaze said. Leo let go and glared at blaze then walked away.

I felt someone watching me. I looked around to see no one staring at me. 'Must be my mind.' I thought. "Thanks." I said with a smile. "No problem. I don't like him being around you." Blaze said. We started to walk somewhere.

Leo POV.

"Let go of her Leo unless you want to be hit again." I heard guy say. I let go of Dottie and glared at the dude then walked away. 'Dottie will be mine one way or another.' I thought. I saw someone step in my way. I tried to walk around him but he just stepped in my way again. "What do you want." I said. "Follow me." He said.

"Why." I said. "Just follow me or do I have to drag you." The guy said. "Fine I'll follow." I said. I started to follow the guy. "So what's your name." I asked the guy. "Tell me yours first then I'll tell you mine." The guys said. "My name is Leo." I said.

"My name is Ein." The guy said. I stopped. "I've heard that name before. Dottie said it in that story of how she got that scar on her stomach." I said. "Yeah that me. Now start walking." Ein said. "Where are you walking too." I asked the Ein. "To my house." Ein said. "Why." I said.

"So we can destroy blaze and take Dottie." Ein said. "Is that the guys name." I said. We g t to Ein house. We walked in and I saw two more people. "This is Jax and rider." Ein said. "Hey." They said. "So why do you want to destroy blaze and take Dottie." I said.

   "Because he took Dottie from me in high school. The only reason I made her the omega is because I knew no one would ask her out. But blaze did. Blaze did the same thing to you." Ein said. "What's the plan." I said. "The plan is very simple." Ein said.

Hey guys
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know I brought Ein and Leo back into the story and your going to kill them but just wait.

Anyways guys hope you have an amazing day or night and stay awesome as always.


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