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Whippin by Kiiara
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"Grayson, we are in the car." I giggled and tried to push him off of me. He kissed my neck, knowing it was my weakness. He knew all of them and tried them all, to get what he wants.

Kissing from my neck until he reached my jaw which made me even crazier. "We need to go we have a reservation at the restaurant." I said denying that I wanted him as much as he wanted me. "Please let me." He said with the lowest voice ever.

The way he breathed in my neck at that moment caused me to get goosebumps. My body screamed that it wanted Grayson. I couldn't talk anymore. Grayson stepped out of the car and walked to my side and opened the door for me to get out. A little confusing because just a second ago he was kissing my neck.

He took my hand so he could support me when I got out of the car. "Never wanted you more than I want you now." He said as he pushed me against the car, slammed the door and started to kiss me on the lips.

He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled it gently. The next weakness in the list. I started to moan, knowing I will give in any second. "Grayson." I tried again. His hands now running down my body, gave me even more goosebumps than the cold weather outside.

I don't even know what is going on but i want him so much. I'm falling crazily fast and I don't understand how I fall for him harder and harder. His touches and kisses are killing me right now.

Now I'm done. I give up. The weak bitch I am. I started to kiss back and unbuttoned his suit. He by the way looks amazing with suit and tie, but I don't mind seeing him without it. He smiled through the kissed because he knew he was successfully making me horny.

One hand went though my hair again when he watched me taking of his tie right now. After me taking his tie of, he kissed me again and opened the door of the car and laid me down on the backseat. I threw his jacket an tie on the floor of the car.

He unzipped my dress, luckily the zipper was not in the back of my dress but the front. It immediately showed my bra. Grayson slowly took it off of me. He started to kiss me down to my boobs as he now unbuttoned his blouse. God he has too many clothes on. I started to play with his belt. He threw his blouse on the floor of the car so I started to kiss his chest.

Now I heard a moan slipping out of his mouth so I smirked. He always tries to hold his moans back. He took his pants off and closed the car door. We were in a dark parking place and there were like 5 cars. It was luckily for us, really dead here.

I kissed his chest a few times more before laying my head back on the backseat as I closed my eyes. Grayson started to kiss my jaw again and then stopped. We almost didn't touch anymore which made me wanna beg for him to touch me again.

before I knew it, he was in me. Now I couldn't stop moaning. It was such a mess. He took my hands and put them above my head. I wanted to touch him but he wouldn't let me.

The slow thrusts became faster and faster. Grayson let my hands go, I went down his body and then up again. I felt his thrusts became sloppier before he released.

We needed to catch our breath and get to sit up again. Looking at the mirror and realizing that I had some good sex hair from this. Grayson saw it took and looked amused.

"I like what I did to your hair." He said smiling while putting on his pants again. I quickly fixed it before looking back at him still smiling. I couldn't help but stare at his abs. Every girl would want to have a boy like Grayson. Amazing in and out.

"Why are you staring?" He said before I gently touched his cheek and pulled him towards me. I kissed him slowly and I felt his arms wrapping around my waist as he kissed back. God am I lucky to give him another chance.

Our breathes became a little heavier of the kissing and I didn't want to stop kissing him. He eventually stopped us. "We really need to go." He laughed and I laughed too before rolling my eyes.

He opened the car door and let us out after we put all our clothes back on. We needed to walk a little while before arriving at the restaurant.

"Sorry we're late but we reserved a table." Grayson said while holding my hand as he spoke to the older lady. "And what is the name sir?" She asked as she looked down at all the reservations. "Dolan."

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