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The next day that I came on school, there was no Grayson. Ethan told me he wanted to ditch class today. Well he did a good job. Grayson is falling back in his old habits like partying and ditching classes. He did not do that when we were together.

"Hey, have you seen Grayson?" Sam asked as she looked around. "No, why?" I asked the bitch. "I just wanted to talk to him about something, that's all." She said. "Listen, if I find out that you're messing around with Grayson, I will kill you." I said loud en clear.

"Woah." She laughed. "You guys are broken up, why can't I?" She asked. I was now ready to throw fists. "I'll beat you up." I said so loud that a few people turned around to look at us. "Listen, I can't hit pregnant girls." She said as she stepped closer to me.

"Makes it easier for me." I said laughing and looking her up and down. "You ex is hot, you can't expect him to be single." She said as she took a step back. "You're nasty." I said. "At least I'm not pregnant." She said which made me even more pissed.

I almost swung my fist at her as I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. "Come with me." Ethan said as he dragged me to a private place. We stood there. "Grayson is heartbroken." He began and I rolled my eyes. "Well what's new." I said and Ethan looked worried.

"He didn't come home yesterday." He said and that made me panic a little. "What?!" I yelled. "He texted me that he's okay, I just don't know where he is." Ethan explained. "Oh my god , I don't know what to say right now." I said as I went through my hair.

"What are we supposed to do?!" I said after a moment of silence. "I don't know, just wait I guess." Ethan said. "Wait? What if he does something stupid?" I asked and Ethan shook his head. "He is a smart guy I swear." Ethan swore and I looked at him like he said something dumb.

"Hey, I know it doesn't look like it right now but he won't do something incredibly stupid." Ethan said. "He is just devastated." He said and I sighed. "Aren't we all?" I asked and Ethan nodded. "Grayson loves you Em." Ethan said. "Skylar loves you Eth." I said and he smiled.

"I know." He said and took me in his arms. "Oh aren't we pathetic." Ethan said and started to laugh. I had to laugh as well. "But for real." I said still laughing. "Oh by the way Mayra, don't hit girls in a hallway okay? It's not smart." He said and I nodded.

"It's a bitch." I said. "I know." He said and we walked away, Ethan put an arm around me. "I'd love to be an uncle." He whispered in my ear and smiled. He knows and I'm glad Grayson told him.


The chapters are going to be shorter from now on. I don't have as much inspiration as I wish I had.

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