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^Jayden and Mayra^

The first bell rang, knowing the first period was about to start. I walked over to the class I was in. I was so tired this morning. I seriously rolled out of my bed and went to school. It was a long night of Jayden being drunk again and have to clean the mess he made.

I'm getting a little worried about him but he doesn't want to talk to me. I don't understand it, I mean we're twins and we're always there for each other but for some odd reason he doesn't want to trust me.

I came in class seeing Grayson, Ethan and Jordan sitting together. I sat next to Grayson and next to Hayden who was trying to eat a cookie secretly without everyone seeing it, she might not wants to share. Still wondering why she's is not fat at all. Wish I could eat that much.

I laid my head on the table trying to sleep. The teacher wasn't here yet. "Em?" I heard someone saying, obviously Grayson because he is the only one calling me 'Em.'

I looked at him with my pale face. I didn't wear any make-up. "You look tired, everything okay?" He whispered. I nodded and sighed before sitting up again. "There's something wrong with Jayden." I began.

"What is wrong?" He asked and I raised my shoulders. "He doesn't want to talk to me for some reason." I explained. "But you guys are so close." He said with a confused look on his face. I sighed again. "I know, it makes me sad." I said as I fake smiled.

My little brother is my number one. If he's sad then I'm sad. When he's happy, I'm happy.

"Should I come with you to talk to him?" Grayson asked. "I don't think he will say anything to you about his problems." I said. I didn't mean anything wrong with it but if Jayden doesn't talk to me then why would he talk to Grayson.

"Maybe I can make him sit down and talk to you and I will leave if the conversation starts so he doesn't have to talk to me." Grayson explained and it actually sounded like a plan. "We can always try right?" Grayson asked and I nodded and smiled.

"Jayden, it's 4 p.m. How are you already drunk?" I asked confused. I was about to talk to Jayden and Grayson was also here to help me. I didn't realize that Jayden would actually be drunk on a time like this. "Yes I'm a little drunk, so what?" He said struggling with his own words.

"Jayden, I want to talk to you." I began and Grayson stood up. "Why? So you can talk to me about my problems?" He asked pissed. "Yes, exactly." I said and he rolled his eyes. "You won't be happy to hear it." Jayden began and laughed.

"Jayden, you're my brother I'll help you with everything." I said. "You can't help me with this!" He screamed. He was a little out of balance. "Em, I think that we need to try it tomorrow morning, he is not sober now." Grayson whispered and I looked down at the floor.

"Jayden, maybe it's best if you take a nap, maybe you feel better after that." Grayson said as he brought him upstairs. I sat down on the couch and started to think. What is going on that is so bad to tell me? He used to tell me everything.

After a few minutes Grayson came back and sat down next to me. "Sweetie, you know it's not your fault that he doesn't talk to you right?" He said. "He used to tell me everything." I sighed. "He is keeping it for himself and he think alcohol is going to help him. It's not and we know it." He continued as I nodded.

"We need to help him." I said and Grayson nodded now. "I will be there tomorrow morning before school and we'll try it again." He said and that also sounded like a plan.

"What is Grayson doing here so early?" Jayden asked as he sat down on a chair and started to eat his food that I made for him. "We need to talk." I began again. I saw that he already became pissed.

"God Mayra stop it." He said with an attitude. "Jayden, Mayra is seriously worried about you." Grayson said at a calming tone and Jayden shook his head.

"Jayden you can tell me everything." I said. "Mayra there is something wrong!" He suddenly yelled. "I know that's why I want to talk Jay." I responded and he started to laugh.

"No Mayra." He shook his head. "What is wrong?!" I now yelled because I became Impatient. He didn't expect that and became quiet. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried." I said and he nodded. "I know." He said and I heard a little crack in his voice.

Is he about to cry?

"I think there is something wrong with me." He continued with some tears in his eyes. "Why?" I asked. "I broke up with Senna." He said and I got confused. "When?" I asked. "Just yesterday, that's one of the reasons I got drunk yesterday." He explained. "Oh god." I said.

"Didn't she make you happy?" Grayson asked. "She did but I need to tell you something else." He said as his tears ran over his cheeks. "What is it?" I asked as I ran my hands through his hair to calm him down.

"You'll probably think I'm disgusting." He said and I shook my head. "I will never think you're disgusting." I said.

"I'm in love with someone else." He said and sighed. "That's great right?" Grayson asked and Jayden shook his head. "You don't understand." Jayden said while shaking his head. "Why not?" I asked.

"It's a guy."

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