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It's almost Christmas break and Grayson and I have been back together for a while. In the time that we got back together there was thrown a lot of hate at Marcia for everything she did. It became so bad that she switched schools. I felt bad somewhere deep inside but thank god..

Grayson and I have worked things out together and we started over. I still struggle a lot with my mental health issues. It's so hard to get over that. It takes time and a lot of attention. I'm clean for a month now, talking about the cutting part. I feel proud of myself and Grayson is also proud.

I'm diagnosed with anorexia three months ago. I knew there was something wrong but when you hear a doctor say it, it is even worse.

I'm now laying on my bed as I'm awake and overthinking about my brother. He's partying a lot lately and mostly drunk. I don't know Jayden like that. It's 3 a.m. at a school night and he is not home yet.

I'm getting a little worried now. I know he is with one of my friends who also is his girlfriend for a while now: Senna.

I know Senna is a girl that goes out on school nights but this is crazy. I took my phone and called her because I knew Jayden wouldn't pick up.

Senna: wassuuppp bitch, I'm a lil drunk I think.
Me: where is Jayden?
Senna: hereeeeee
Me: do I have to pick you guys up somewhere?
Senna: no I can drive boo
Me: no you can't, I won't forgive myself if I let some drunk person drive, so where are you guys?
Senna: Here! We are here!
Me: What does 'here' mean
Senna: oh haha, the one club near school.

I hung up and immediately ran down the stairs. My dad had to work and is back at 9 in the morning so he won't notice me and Jayden where gone. That's exactly why Jayden took the chance to party. Dad would've never let him on a school night.

I got in my car and started it before driving away.

When I got to the place where the club is, I saw Jayden throwing up already. Great. I swear if he pukes in my car I'll kill him.

"Guys get in." I said as they walked towards the car. I realized that I had plastic bags in the trunk. I'll give it to them in case they throw up. "Here Jayden and Senna, throw up in here and nowhere else!" I said loud and clear. Senna jumped in the car like a drunk dumbass. Which she basically is and after that my brother stepped in the car.

I brought Senna home and after that I helped Jayden to his bed. Also got a bucket in case he'd throw up. I had a lot of practice lately.

"Mayra, are you making bacon and eggs?" Jayden said as he sat down. "Yeah you want some?" I asked not thinking about his hangover. "I pass." He almost said gagging. I giggled a little. He really didn't look well. Don't know if it's because he's hangover or he's just not feeling happy.

"Jayden can I ask you something?" I asked as I put my bacon in front of him. He needed to eat something. "Get that away." He said covering his nose and mouth. "You need to eat Jay." I said. "You too." He said as he looked at me. He was testing me.

Is puberty hitting really late and is he being an annoying teenager right now? "What's wrong Jayden? You're never acting like this." I asked. "Nothing." He said as he became Impatient. "I don't believe it." I said as he rolled his eyes.

He stood up and walked away. "Where are you going?" I asked as I also stood up. "School, bye!" He said and walked out of the door. There I was, just made him breakfast that I didn't want to eat. I should eat it now.

Dad won't be happy if I throw away 'good' food. I sat down and already became nauseous. The amount of oily stuff that came out of the bacon and eggs made me sick to my stomach. I started to cut my first egg and ate it slowly. It tasted like shit.

I heard someone come in the house. "Jayden?" I asked after I swallowed my first bite. "No, guess again." I heard a voice say. "Grayson?" I said as he walked in and he smile. "The door was open, lock it better babe seriously." He said as he kissed the top of my head and I focused on the eggs again.

He sat down next to me. "I'm proud of you." He said as he looked at me taking my next bite and smiled. I struggled to swallow this bite. "Do you want me to grab some water for you?" He asked because he noticed my struggle. I chuckled and nodded my head. "Please." I said and he stood up.

"You know Ethan and I where looking through some pictures of a few months back." He began and I hummed a 'yes?' Sound. "So we saw a picture of Skylar.." he continued and I smiled a little. "He misses her, huh?" I asked and Grayson nodded. "Very much." He said. "Me too." I said as I took the glass of water from Grayson. "Thanks I said."

"Moving to Australia that's really.. well.. shitty." He continued. "Why?" I asked. "Not that Australia sucks, I love Australia but leaving everyone behind is hard I guess." He said and I nodded looking at my bacon.

I ate my egg, now one piece of bacon and I'm done. "You want an egg and a piece of bacon? I don't want it anymore." I said and he nodded. "I'll take the egg but you eat 2 pieces of bacon, you need it." He said and I sighed.

"Sorry my girl, you need to eat." He said as he took my egg.

Every bite is slow and hard but every time I practice this it gets easier.

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